Monday, October 1, 2007

Reach vs Savior @ Arcadia

Duration: 08:08 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-12 20:04:55
User: dt408sc02
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Reach vs Savior @ Arcadia (CJ vs KTF)


BGSoccerMagic ::: Favorites
Reach is good.
07-06-23 20:51:24
DJWilsonX9 ::: Favorites
team pride I guess Each side wants to achieve victory
07-06-14 19:47:41
Mogri ::: Favorites
why don't they resign sooner
07-05-30 02:10:00
Ryz05 ::: Favorites
wierd game, Savior should've attacked his base sooner instead of dancing his zerglings
07-05-05 06:19:42
yukyo85 ::: Favorites
i doubt. cuz reach could block savior's base entrance by putting 2 zealots + 1 probe.
07-05-04 21:39:13
odin2358 ::: Favorites
Could Savior have won by killing the nexus then going back to save his base?
07-05-01 07:26:20
Forever1234 ::: Favorites
Yay for the MGS music in the beginning!
07-03-07 16:22:51
WeriToSsS ::: Favorites
nonono that wasnt owned...was a close game...proxy gate sux ... >.< anyway wow nice game... gj reach but savior lose :(
07-02-25 01:18:16
loafybrown ::: Favorites
WOW. what a close game.
07-01-31 12:14:25
loafybrown ::: Favorites
WOW. what a close game.
07-01-31 12:14:15

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