Tuesday, August 7, 2007

España es el país del mundo con un mayor consumo de cocaína

Duration: 571 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-27 02:17:26
User: kyvids
:::: Favorites

26/06/07 Bajar con http://keepvid.com/ Descárgate los vídeos ahora, no esperes a que desaparezcan España es el país del mundo con un mayor consumo de cocaína, por delante de EE UU El Ministerio de Sanidad implicará a los hosteleros en su lucha contra la droga Salgado anuncia un plan trienal en el que se invertirán más de 20 millones España es el país del mundo con un mayor consumo de cocaína, por delante de EE UU El consumo de cocaína se ha extendido mucho en España. El Ministerio de Sanidad pretende que bares y discotecas se involucren en la batalla contra el consumo de cocaína en España, el país del mundo con más alto índice de consumo de esta peligrosa sustancia (por delante de Estados Unidos) que genera unos gravísimos riesgos que no percibimos con nitidez. La titular del departamento, Elena Salgado, ha explicado que Sanidad se dispone a firmar un convenio con la Federación Española de Hostelería para que los propietarios y los trabajadores se impliquen en la lucha contra el consumo de drogas en los entornos de ocio. Un consumo que entre los más jóvenes se ha multiplicado por cuatro en sólo un decenio. La implicación de los hosteleros es una de las medidas más llamativas del plan de acción contra el consumo de cocaína que Sanidad pone en marcha para los próximos tres años, con un presupuesto en torno a los siete millones de euros anuales. El plan persigue rebajar el elevado consumo en un país en el que «hay gran permisividad para el consumo de drogas, un precio bajo y un gran accesibilidad a los estupefacientes». Un país en el que se realizan además los mayores decomisos de las 980 toneladas anuales que se producen de esta sustancia, según los datos de la ONU en su informe Mundial sobre drogas 2007. El convenio que se suscribirá con los hosteleros busca convertir en espacios libres de drogas los bares y discotecas donde su consumo es habitual, aunque Salgado aseguró que no se trata de que camareros y propietarios de estos locales actúen como policías. «Está claro que a los empresarios les interesa tener unos locales libres de consumo. No se trata de que sean policías, dado que no son agentes de la autoridad; pero es una evidencia que hay locales en los que es más fácil el consumo, y se trata de que en todos sea más difícil» planteaba la ministra. No pide que los trabajadores hagan registros en los locales «pero sí que vigilen». Cursos Habrá cursos «breves pero intensos» para camareros y personal de bares, discotecas y restaurantes. Se quiere que estos trabajadores conozcan los efectos nocivos de la cocaína y ayuden a reducir su consumo en su medio de trabajo. Este convenio es una de las 71 medidas concretas que comporta el plan, que quiere derribar mitos como que la cocaína «ni es una sustancia inocua ni su consumo está relacionado con el prestigio social y el éxito profesional». No en vano, la ministra manejó datos estremecedores, como que el consumo de cocaína en España se ha multiplicado por cuatro entre los menores de edad y se ha duplicado entre la población general en los últimos años. Tres de cada cien españoles entre 15 y 64 años consumen cocaína, frente al 2,8% de Estados Unidos, el 2,4 del Reino Unido o el 2,1 de Italia. El consumo de coca en España cuadruplica la media europea y ha pasado del 1,8 de 1995 al 3% en 2005. Los datos de 2004 indican además que el consumo entre jóvenes de 14 y 18 años se eleva al 7,2%, de modo que se ha multiplicado por cuatro en diez años, pasando del 1,8% al 7,2%. «El consumo de cocaína está extendido en todas las edades, capas sociales y niveles educativos» resumía la ministra. «Estamos entre los grandes consumidores de cocaína desde los años 90, y por tanto no es nada nuevo, pero lo cierto es que los efectos sobre la salud siguen siendo desconocidos y que la percepción del riesgo sigue siendo escasa», destacaba Elena Salgado. Unos riesgos que Salgado refirió y que pasan por la aparición de psicosis o paranoias, arteroesclerosis prematura, riesgo de padecer infartos de miocardio un 24% más elevado y posibilidades mucho mayores de padecer ictus cerebrales. Destacó Salgado como la cocaína es la droga que cuyo consumo generas más demandas de tratamiento clínico (46,95%) y de urgencias hospitalarias (54,8%). Medios jóvenes El plan se dirigirá muy especialmente a los jóvenes e impulsará programas de prevención entre estudiantes y universitarios mediante las tecnologías de información más usadas por ellos. Se distribuirán folletos en formatos atractivos para los jóvenes en los ambientes estudiantiles. Entre ellos, la guía 'Rayas: el libro negro de la coca', que informara a los jóvenes y adolescentes sobre riesgos, efectos y consecuencias del consumo. El plan persigue el múltiple objetivo de disminuir el consumo, aumentar al percepción de los riesgos, retrasar la edad de acceso al consumo de cocaína y mejorar la atención que se presta a personas con problemas causados por esta droga. Contempla también la formación específica de los profesionales sanitarios de atención primaria y urgencia. «Cocaína: ¿Se lo vas a dar todo?» será el lema de la campaña que Sanidad ponga en marcha el próximo mes de julio y que persigue alertar a los ciudadanos sobre los riesgos sociales y sanitarios que comporta el consumo. El programa prevé también una atención especial a los consumidores de crack, facilitando su acceso a los dispositivos asistenciales y promoviendo la formación de formadores en programas de reducción de daños entre los propios consumidores. Europa incrementa consumo de cocaína Ginebra, 26 jun (PL) Europa registra un alarmante consumo de cocaína, superior incluso al de Estados Unidos, informó hoy la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (ONUDD). A propósito del informe, el responsable de Justicia, Seguridad y Libertades de la Comisión Europea, Franco Frattini, subrayó que los productores y traficantes de ese estupefaciente han lanzado una ofensiva en los mercados europeos. Añadió que el 10 por ciento de los pobladores entre 15 y 64 años de la región, consume o ha consumido alguna droga. Ante tal incremento, récord para la comunidad, Frattini pidió mayor organización en las campañas antidrogas en la UE, y un empleo mejor de organismos como Europol y Eurojust, creados para cooperar en la lucha contra la delincuencia internacional organizada. La ONUDD, en su informe anual de 2007, asegura, no obstante, que el cannabis sigue siendo la sustancia psicoactiva más usada en el mundo, con unos 162 millones de adictos, un cuatro por ciento de la población mundial. Spain Displaces US Cocaine Consumption Madrid, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) Spain ousted the United States from its first world position in cocaine consumption, and is now at four times the European average, according to a United Nations study circulated on Tuesday in Madrid. The cocaine consumption rate in Spain and its archipelagos covers a wide age spectrum - from 15 to 64 - the age group with greatest intellectual and labor activity. According to the 2007 World Report on Drugs, headed by Thomas Pietschmann, marijuana consumption in Spain is stabilizing, but cocaine use has shot up, and that is a problem, making Spaniards one of every five European consumers. The addiction rate has doubled since 1999, when it was 1.6 percent of the population between 15 and 64 years old, until 2005, when it reached 3.0 percent, a figure that no other of the 100 countries analyzed by the United Nations has attained. Britain is now cocaine capital of Europe 27.06.07 Cocaine user. Posed by model Britain is now the cocaine capital of Europe with soaring numbers of young people taking the drug, a United Nations report has revealed. It revealed more than 900,000 Britons buy cocaine, which means the country has overtaken Spain as the biggest user in the continent. In addition, Britain's 350,000 heroin users are the largest number in any country in Europe. The annual survey from the UN's Office on Drugs and Crime said that across most of the world drug abuse is holding steady or is in decline because of successful law and order campaigns to prevent their distribution, sale and consumption. But the falling tide in many countries is leaving Britain exposed as a thriving drugs market where millions remain addicted to or repeat users of illegal substances. The report found cocaine use had gone up in Britain and added: "In absolute numbers estimates suggest that the UK's cocaine market, some 910,000 people, is even marginally larger than the market in Spain, some 890,000 people." It added "cocaine is now the second most widely used illegal drug in the UK after cannabis". But it noted that cannabis use in this country had diminished since the reclassification of the drug - from Class B to less serious Class C - in 2004. The change made it rare for police to arrest anyone for possessing the drug. The UN said the fall was "probably because extensive discussion about rescheduling cannabis brought new scientific findings on the potential harm of cannabis into the limelight". "Growing awareness of the dangers of cannabis use among young people went in parallel with declining cannabis use," it added. The growth in cocaine use came alongside evidence that the drug is now available more cheaply than ever before. Drugscope said after a survey last year that prices have dropped to £44 a gram, nearly a third down on £65 a gram in 2000. Tory home affairs spokesman David Davis said: "This is yet more evidence that Labour continues to fail on drugs." But Home Office minister Vernon Coaker claimed success in cutting drug abuse. He said: "I welcome the report which shows that tough enforcement is having an effect on cutting drug use. "We have achieved a great deal through our strategy of enforcement, early intervention, education and treatment: in England and Wales drug use has fallen by 16 per cent since 1998 while drug-related crime and the harm caused by illegal drugs have fallen." noche hache quequé eva

thagus ::: Favorites
Orale! para combatir al narcotráfico deberian tratar de sacar a la calle al ejército, como en México. No sirve para nada, pero habrá muchos descabezados y surtiran de nuevos elementos armados a los narcos, además de estar en riesgo de mas violaciones a los derechos humanos.... Ahi le preguntan a Fecal como le hace para hacer caca todo lo que toca.
07-06-27 02:33:39
CiudadanoTerrorista ::: Favorites
Tambien podemos llamar a los gringos, que invaden un pais, matando 5000 civiles para capturar a un "narcotraficante". Lo que pasa es que en España tenemos una policia muy viciosa y que aqui, puedes estar puesto hasta las trancas en cualquier puesto de responsabilidad, o ser Rey...
07-06-27 03:24:37
kano894 ::: Favorites
tiene wevos, primero en miranda somos la ciudad mas contaminada en proporcion de europa y aora los q mas cocaina consumimos de europa y los 2ºs del mundo y solo 40000 personas, q puta mierda!!! y esto es extensible a toda españa, puta cocaina!!
07-06-27 07:33:05
kyvids ::: Favorites
Pronto habrá una denominación de origen nueva, cocaína del Ebro.
07-06-27 19:06:45
jomonero ::: Favorites
jajaja, bueno es la moda, es lo que trae la cultura ibicenca, la cultura de club, el rollo Pachá, el House, y demás... Ahora no vale quejarse, llevamos un tiempo que todo vale, nadie se escandaliza por nada, es más si no se hace algo espectácular nadie habla de ti, pues es lo que nos hemos ganado a pulso... Además dicen que en el aire de Roma hay particulas de coca o que en los rios hay restos asi que vamos a ir todos puestos...
07-06-28 05:40:59
kidner0123 ::: Favorites
viva la marihuana y lo natural.. legalizar porfavor.. y la coca mmmm mas adelante XD!
07-07-05 20:21:22
Dutchlandguy ::: Favorites
La Hoja de Coca era "Era el regalo de los dioses" consumido por la Elite Incaica, luego fue repartido a los subordinados para que puedan realizar trabajos pesados., Cuando fueron los Colonizadores Espanoles prohibieron el uso, pero luego lo utilizaron para explotar y volver adictos a los indigenas.. Jode!!.. que el mundo da vueltas!!! ahora la disfrutan los Tataranietos pero en algunos anios esto se va a convertir en una locura de addiccion....
07-07-12 23:25:39
realestMC ::: Favorites
what's going on?
07-07-15 13:34:50
kyvids ::: Favorites
Celts descended from Spanish fishermen, study finds "news. independent. co. uk/uk/this_britain/article1621766. ece"
07-07-16 15:48:29
kyvids ::: Favorites
Viking spaniard woman "editorialgalaxia. es/parati/libro. php?id=462"
07-07-16 15:50:39
kyvids ::: Favorites
Spaniards = Celts & Iberian Caucasian
07-07-16 16:03:52
alkorkon2007 ::: Favorites
los que no la necesitais no teneis ni puta idea y lo demostrais poniendo comentarios de papis en los foros
07-07-17 01:33:55
paoloattila ::: Favorites
ciao larry
07-07-21 06:29:00

No Smoking! Day 1...

Duration: 171 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-12 21:17:51
User: boh3m3
:::: Favorites

The first of three.

roxaSora11 ::: Favorites
play counter strike
07-02-14 21:18:31
alexfirefox ::: Favorites
you can try eating celery. it will keep your mouth busy and it takes morecalories to chew it than it has in the actual celery
07-02-14 21:22:48
residentevilgoddess ::: Favorites
good on ya mate for trying to stop now if u keep it up u wont die early and u wont stink
07-02-19 12:57:36
pdpower77 ::: Favorites
good on you for quitting
07-03-01 12:20:09
HeartsRequiem ::: Favorites
How long have/had you been smoking before you decided to quit? (and believe me, I know how it feels... I tried to quit 5 times before suceeding)
07-03-10 19:11:42
xalt3d ::: Favorites
This vid is about 5 months old....he's smoking again.
07-03-13 17:23:13
Dis5tv ::: Favorites
how do you know?
07-04-28 12:35:15
xalt3d ::: Favorites
Um, he smokes in his vids....
07-04-30 13:26:51
Izakrice ::: Favorites
which ones?
07-04-30 19:36:33
memi73 ::: Favorites
h t t p : //petitions . pm . gov. uk /repeal-the-ban/ sign the downing street petition also: w w w . freedom2choose . co. uk
07-07-11 21:44:23

Pele extreme !

Duration: 739 seconds
Upload Time: 06-03-07 13:01:06
User: wesleyarts
:::: Favorites

This video proves it. Pelé was the most complete soccer player of the history. He is a lengend. He was the first Black man to be on the cover of Life Magazine, for instance, and even more than two decades after the end of his professional soccer career, he is certainly among the people the most recognized in the world. Leading Goalscorer Leading Goalscorer in professional football 1,281 goals Sao Paulo State Championship 1957 - Santos (17 goals) 1958 - Santos (58 goals) 1959 - Santos (45 goals) 1960 - Santos (33 goals) 1961 - Santos (47 goals) 1962 - Santos (37 goals) 1963 - Santos (22 goals) 1964 - Santos (34 goals) 1965 - Santos (49 goals) 1969 - Santos (26 goals) 1973 - Santos (11 goals) Copa America 1959 - Brazil (8 goals) Brazilian Armed Forces League 1959 - 6th Coast Guard Team (11 goals) Brazilian Trophy 1961 - Santos (9 goals) 1963 - Santos (12 goals) Rio-Sao Paulo Tournament 1961 - Santos (7 goals) 1963 - Santos (15 goals) 1964 - Santos (3 goals) 1965 - Santos (7 goals) World Clubs Cup 1962 - Santos (3 goals) Libertadores de America Cup 1963 - Santos (11 goals) Youngest Goalscorer Sao Paulo State Championship 1957 - Santos (celebrated his 17th birthday during the competition) Youngest World Champion 1958 - Brazil (17 years old) Youngest Twice-Champion of the World 1962 - Brazil (21 years old) Leading Goalscorer in one season 1959 - 127 goals Leading Brazilian Goalscorer in World Cups 12 goals Leading Goalscorer in the history of the Brazilian National Team 95 goals Highest football transaction up to the end of the 70's. 1975 - To Cosmos (US$ 7 million) Placar Magazine Special Golden Ball 1987 Bronze Plaque placed in Maracana Stadium 1961 - In recognition of a beautiful goal scored against Fluminense (dribbling 9 players)

kleberdivinanoite ::: Favorites
Chutava com a perna esquerda e direita com a mesma facilidade, impulsão e cabeçadas fulminantes, dribles objetivos, força, visão de jogo, cobranças de falta e penaltis, frieza, velocidade, dominio de bola, versatilidade, dinamismo......
07-06-02 12:01:08
MeldrathRN ::: Favorites
só otario que acha o Maradona melhor...
07-06-02 15:30:27
Flavioteta ::: Favorites
07-06-02 17:03:54
animan8 ::: Favorites
No way dude -_-" its pele by a long shot
07-06-02 22:19:05
animan8 ::: Favorites
this would go really well with remember the name
07-06-02 22:24:12
cjshamrock ::: Favorites
Por isso é que eu preferia ver o filme do Pelé! He's 5'7" by the way.
07-06-03 01:45:44
cjshamrock ::: Favorites
Maradona was awesome and some of his goals are more impressive, but he could never do ALL the stuff Pelé used to do. Pelé was fucking unlimited.
07-06-03 01:59:03
cjshamrock ::: Favorites
07-06-03 02:00:03
cjshamrock ::: Favorites
"MARADONA IS SUX.. IS a FAT PIG DRUG" That was so funny LMAO!!
07-06-03 02:04:28
wesleyarts ::: Favorites
Pele is 67 years old, dude.
07-06-22 19:37:08

Faiza Al-Araji @ Congressional Forum on Iraq

Duration: 583 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-05 17:23:07
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

House Democrats sponsored a forum on the war in Iraq in the Rayburn House Office Building. Faiza is a native Shia Iraqi, married to a Sunni Iraqi. They have three sons, who they currently live with in Amman, Jordan. Faiza spoke about her family's experiences in Iraq before and during the war and subsequent occupation on April 27, 2006 in Washington, DC.

shereeza ::: Favorites
06-11-05 23:21:11
irak23 ::: Favorites
this is the voice of iraqi people
07-01-24 20:02:53
freedom2express ::: Favorites
"Treat Muslim men like pigs, then they will more likely act like pigs". That's pure logic. So when firefighters saw a strange phenomenon (girls without the veil), they weren't able to save the girls directly, they had to refer to the religious (sex) police's advice. This is 'cause Muslim men & women are trained to think of sex extensively (due to gender separation & the veiling thing). So seeing unveiled girls suddenly was a much stranger phenomenon than the fire itself
07-04-26 11:31:53

FadedYouth presents Courteney Cox Kissing Jennifer Aniston

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.


Duration: 59 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-30 22:50:32
User: kurohagi3
:::: Favorites


Ned Lamont on health care

Duration: 64 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-06 21:09:10
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

From an early '06 interview in CT.

AMERICABLOG State of the Union Wrap-Up Show

Duration: 351 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-24 01:02:38
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

John in DC, Joe in DC and Rob in Baltimore talked about the 2007 State of the Union speech immediatly after watching the speech and the Democratic response.

antiNAU ::: Favorites
Yep, his hand has to be forced. Just like I have to do with my five year old.
07-01-24 10:05:48


Duration: 166 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-07 12:02:33
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


bubudor ::: Favorites
大頭 =)
07-06-08 11:33:09
jenlien93 ::: Favorites
hott and silly
07-06-09 20:07:24

Katolicki głos prawdziwych Polaków

Duration: 84 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-16 15:29:25
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

Magazyn 24 godziny TVN24 16052007 Wypowiedź Kamińskiego jest trochę ucięta, tutaj całość: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6fmRfvakSI

kikoriaki ::: Favorites
Dzięki za zamieszczenie. To warto zobaczyć tak skondesowane. Może łatwiej będzie zrozumieć, że pewna część naszych współobywateli boi się. Niekiedy ludzi na ulicach. Niekiedy "kolegów" w pracy. Dość często życia w tym kraju.
07-05-16 16:44:30
Dryndal ::: Favorites
Ale nie każdy homoseksualista jest pedofilem skurwysynie... Nie czaje jak taki chłam może w rządzie siedzieć...
07-06-20 12:04:38
Rybolek ::: Favorites
Banda debili... Po obejrzeniu tego naprawdę jeszcze bardziej mam ochotę skorzystać z linii lotniczych... Byle jak najdalej, byle jak najmniej wiadomości o tym "niepełnosprytnym" rządzie...
07-07-15 14:07:49

070617-換換愛-03-10 漏網鏡頭

Duration: 457 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-17 16:59:08
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites

070617-換換愛-03-10 漏網鏡頭

hartsya ::: Favorites
OMGGG, they kissed so SWEET!~ >.< LOL , wait like mad for the next episode :D
07-06-24 05:47:34
berrybananaz ::: Favorites
eeeeeeeeek!!! next week looks hecka sweet!! Mike is da best!!!!!! XD
07-06-24 22:56:48
Hyiiu ::: Favorites
I am looking forward to watch next ep.... Oh..I don't want to wait
07-06-25 01:32:08
lwy1314 ::: Favorites
Please upload ep4,please ,please!
07-06-25 02:11:08
s051129 ::: Favorites
i would liketo watch thenext ep
07-06-27 06:44:30
iwnthm ::: Favorites
thank you for sharing. looking forward to the next part.
07-06-29 20:52:06
shreeya128 ::: Favorites
hope can upload faster....i love rainie,mike and kingone...they r the best...
07-06-30 07:19:51
kimluvchun ::: Favorites
actually,i think huo yan is also shuaii i luv him too,probably luv him more than mike {juz my own opinion,sori if u r a super fans of mike:D}
07-07-08 12:58:51
zzz3210 ::: Favorites
lol, everyone's picking on rainie.
07-07-10 20:02:37
Pomology4973 ::: Favorites
Love the NGs. Rainie was way too cute! Mike was very easy along her. They have the best on screen chemistry. Period!
07-07-28 05:07:45

Robert Pressly Daytona Flip

Duration: 11 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-22 23:39:23
User: wwetnaecw
:::: Favorites

credit to tbk.fameflame.dk Robert Pressly Daytona Flip

Funky777 ::: Favorites
haha, I was 7, and that was the first nascar race I ever watched on tv, thanks for the video!! :D
06-08-26 16:27:22
elvis334 ::: Favorites
I give that flip a 9.
06-10-15 18:10:07
rex1080 ::: Favorites
Luckiest guy to ever flip and not damage the car
07-04-28 23:00:58
Twister243 ::: Favorites
he broke some stuff, like the suspension #1
07-05-08 18:23:45
nascar1111 ::: Favorites
listen, i know a guy who is related to robert pressley and just remember that other people crash to, take Tony Stewart at daytona 2001, he got airborne and had to be treated, robert made it threw alright.
07-06-03 19:38:02


Duration: 659 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-02 14:26:37
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


pm51ok ::: Favorites
yeah~ 1st one~~ thank you
07-08-02 15:06:50
so111pit ::: Favorites
thanks for the upload!!!
07-08-02 15:46:40
mw562 ::: Favorites
Yeah, much thanks for the recent episode!!!
07-08-02 18:12:47
nylevie ::: Favorites
Thank you for uploading this.
07-08-02 18:56:43
quigglybaoli ::: Favorites
thanks so much! yay (:
07-08-03 04:46:23
amimii ::: Favorites
so funnni XDD thankz for uploadingg*
07-08-03 20:24:04

PoliticsTV on Election Night: Reaction to Sherrod Brown win

Duration: 36 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-07 21:10:41
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Political strategist Sarah Massey shares her thoughts after getting news of Sherrod Browning winning Mike DeWine's Senate seat in Ohio


Duration: 185 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-13 17:56:36
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

PoliticsTV talked with the Senate Majority Leader on Friday, April 13th, 2007 about Iraq, meeting with Bush, the WH/RNC e-mail controversy and the Senate schedule for the upcoming week.

ninjabarry ::: Favorites
Harry Reid is a crusty old hate monger, A COMPLETE FOOL and another Democrat planning for America's defeat. It's not about Iraq for this guy, it's about personal hate for President Bush. What comes around goes around, Harry, you'll get your yours. Some plan you Democrats have, NOTHING! Shouldn't you be on SEINFELD?
07-04-16 17:01:44
sven1olaf ::: Favorites
Your lying Repugnicans make it very difficult to prosecute them. If you love America you should be lobbying for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Both are guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the blatant lack of responsibility and/or accountability. The fact that Bush has openly admitted that he "does not care" what the American public wants is evidence of his love of power, NOT America!!! GW has admitted that if "if this was a tryanny it sure would be easier to run..."
07-04-17 01:27:42
HRClinton ::: Favorites
If you were the least bit honest and cared about the country you'd seriously investigate the issues and facts rather than puking-out these libtard talking points. It's really lazy and intellectually dishonest.
07-04-20 08:11:39
sven1olaf ::: Favorites
wow, great argument. you have been taking notes from the diversion tactics of your corrupted party. Have you noticed that 75% of the country does not support your war, and that even lifelong Repugs are fleeing from GW and his minions faster than Rove can pitch more lies... ps. It doesn't take much to be opinionated and discrediting when you have no arguments of your own.
07-04-20 16:06:02
schratboy ::: Favorites
Harry is a bitter SOB. He's making a killing on real estate deals and other special interests in Nevada while pretending to support the little guy. Hypocritical can't begin to describe this bum.
07-04-18 10:45:41
liveleaker ::: Favorites
Yipee, Harry "we've lost the war" Reid has declared victory....for the enemy!
07-04-20 08:09:32
MagnumDB ::: Favorites
Reid hasn't lost the war. BUSH has lost the war. Bush has given victory to the enemy, and helped create new ones. It isn't bad for Reid to simply state the obvious. Bush has been in control of this since his decision to invade on day 1. When Dems supported it, it was because they were lied too. Now (most) Dems are trying to make it right, while Bush continues to make it worse.
07-04-23 13:43:02
sven1olaf ::: Favorites
lets not discuss hypocrisy in the midst of so many Repugnicans... lol
07-04-20 16:06:51
RedRules4Real ::: Favorites
Does Harry Reid want to quit the American Soldier or fire them? One begs of cowardice the other of stupidity. Which is it, cowardice or stupidity or perhaps it's altogether something different that falls in between the two: indifference.
07-04-30 22:03:58

Former Gov. Mark Warner on Defeating Jihadism

Duration: 895 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-03 15:13:19
User: Politicstv
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Former Governor Mark Warner (D-Virginia) joined Progressive Policy Institute President Will Marshall at the National Press Club in Washington, DC and commented on the new book 'With All Our Might: A Progressive Strategy for Defeating Jihadism and Defending Liberty'. [May 9, 2006]

flexorder ::: Favorites
Sounds like kinder gentler George Bush. The American empire means disinformation. The government both Republican and Democrats will always feed us false information to support their imperial projects.
07-08-04 02:38:54

OBAMA @ Moveon.org Townhall: Iraq Withdrawal Timeline

Duration: 118 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-10 23:02:57
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Barack Obama's second question during MoveOn.org Political Action's unprecedented Virtual Town Hall meeting on Iraq -- where seven presidential candidates answered questions from MoveOn's 3.2 million members. More video is available at www.MoveOn.org. HELP SPREAD THIS VIDEO -- help it climb the YouTube ratings by giving it 5 stars, making it a favorite, commenting, and forwarding to friends!

gerryjim2 ::: Favorites
This is not exactly what he has said a week or two ago. Knowing the crowd that is listening, it seems he has responded in a way that will be positively received. His prior statement was the full senate will not vote to cut funding for the war if Bush vetoes the time-line. I think Obama is green behind the ears. Why can't he wait and run for President sometime in the future? He needs to learn how to be a good senator. He is young enough to wait. I think he is a little too ambitious.
07-04-11 21:25:33
cbmtrx ::: Favorites
Possibly, but I think he's easily ahead of the rest of the candidates in terms of making a connection. You gotta fire up the voters.<br /> Clinton won the '92 election with optimism and intelligence. Obama can do the same, and on top of being very well educated and very well spoken, his answers display thought and consideration (instead of hubris and blind conviction), which should provide some welcome relief for those who recognize a distinct lack of either in the current President.
07-04-12 08:02:05
bluedot123 ::: Favorites
I agree that Obama is not yet qualified. All other canidates have more to offer our country. We need a leader that has both USA and global contacts to move forward our goals. Makes himself out to be so wonderful. He's changed his name, embellished his achievements and is quick to take advantage or every slander against others running instead of standin up and denouncing the dirt. He said he didn't want wallow in it, but first opportunity show us what kind of person he is he weaseled out for $.
07-04-14 12:26:20
happyday4ny ::: Favorites
Get your facts straight. First of all, Obama did not change his name. He is 45 years old, hardly green. What do you expect a candidate to do, tell us how horrible he is? Sheesh. Teddy Roosevelt was only 42 when elected to office. JFK was 46 when he took office, same age as Obama, with less experience in serving in office.
07-07-10 14:49:55
westlv ::: Favorites
I donated again today to Ron Paul, LOOK AT MY PROFILE TO SEE WHY...spread the word, get involved and DONATE to Ron Paul, TODAY!!!
07-07-10 14:49:38

Przebudzenie 01

Duration: 278 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-11 03:54:09
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

Wydarzenia Polsat 01062007 Jan Grzewski


Duration: 131 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-26 01:53:33
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites



Duration: 480 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-05 16:22:03
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

On April 5, ACS hosted a national press briefing on BCI Coca- Cola Bottling Co. of Los Angeles v. EEOC, a case the Supreme Court will hear on April 18. In this case, the Court will consider the circumstances in which an employer may be held liable under federal anti-discrimination laws when a supervisor, who harbors racial or other discriminatory bias toward a subordinate, influences the decision to fire that employee, though the decision is made by a more senior supervisor who harbors no such bias himself. The civil rights and business communities agree that the outcome of this case will have a significant impact on the workplace but disagree on what standard the Court should adopt. In this video, Helen Norton, Visiting Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Maryland School of Law, gives an overview of the case.

pat637 ::: Favorites
April 5, 2006? Was this a typo?
07-04-05 22:32:10
Politicstv ::: Favorites
07-04-06 00:50:58
Ezekiels1 ::: Favorites
07-04-06 02:29:54
Brandonduboff ::: Favorites
I think to prove the causality of the racism to his firing is a good way to approach this problem. Causation is very subjective, and it leaves rooms for open ended trials, which is not very good. However, it leaves the responsibility on the prosecution to prove their case, which is a very good thing.
07-04-06 03:26:59
Brandonduboff ::: Favorites
wow, causation is a good way to skoot the blame onto jurors and judges, but it leaves the burden still on the plaintiff.
07-04-06 03:28:02
Brandonduboff ::: Favorites
wow, causation is a good way to skoot the blame onto jurors and judges, but it leaves the burden still on the plaintiff.
07-04-06 03:28:17
hkuwn ::: Favorites
This was dismissed on April 12, 2007, which was only six days before oral arguments were scheduled. At the request of BCI Coca-Cola, and probably to protect the Coca-Cola brand from becoming a citation in future anti-discrimination litigation.
07-04-15 11:45:29
JadeDragon007 ::: Favorites
07-07-28 23:04:16