Tuesday, April 8, 2008

张靓颖 Jane Zhang 07 'Update' Live in Beijing 11.Yalta

Duration: 04:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-09 23:10:04

张靓颖 2007 'Update' 北京演唱会 Jane Zhang 2007 'Update' Live in Beijing Yalta 街道中央路口 四个方向 道路两旁感受着人群熙攘 撕去左右空挡前后繁忙 甜蜜与感伤 犹豫进入阳光房 隐约煞青了脸庞 节奏下黄昏的梦想 天空泛亮着Yalta的想像 It`s like a shadow shadow It`s like a shadow shadow It`s like a shadow shadow It`s like a shadow shadow 午夜在狂想城市的心脏 叫我背离现实交织的目光 期望慢慢散去热情高涨 一时间放手 犹豫进入阳光房 隐约煞青了脸庞 节奏像黄昏的梦想 天空泛亮着Yalta的想像 试图轻私语眼眶 孤单情趣在游荡 会偶尔与惆怅过往 It`s like a shadow shadow It`s like a shadow shadow It`s like a shadow shadow It`s like a shadow shadow 城市雨天的广场 视线模糊了对方 面对面看不清方向 停住脚步 面上仰头遥望 It`s like a shadow shadow It`s like a shadow shadow It`s like a shadow shadow It`s like a shadow shadow


Our Rendition of a Jazz Song

Duration: 00:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-05 00:27:32

long road trip...but we love this song. Me, my brother Josiah and my brother Jeremy.


Kare Kano - A little bit

Duration: 04:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-04 10:38:44

Anime~Kare Kano Song~A little bit by Jessica Simpson i did NOT make this vid got at http://www.jennyproduction.eu.org


DemonKaoru  2007-02-23 17:26:22

Sweet sweet video. =] I like this anime <3
crazzychik  2007-02-06 18:37:15

this video rocks i love the song and the vid. end of!

Celtic v Milan

Duration: 01:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-21 11:20:57

you'll never walk alone part 1


PaulBovill93  2007-03-17 06:26:46

a see yii sed tht a just sit infront ae you at celtic park ! where bouts yii sit?
Jb1x  2007-02-24 09:10:45

You Wur Jiz Sittin INfrunt Ae Me :D

Justin Timberlake clone of Nsync - This I promise you

Duration: 02:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-12 02:06:11

This dude that sounds just like Justin Timberlake singing This I promise you.


beto2100  2008-04-04 19:32:46

wow...just like him.....?
Ryuulinh  2008-03-09 19:41:47

sounds just like ? dude are you tonedeaf ?
spicypeppaj69  2007-12-21 18:53:15

the cars passing by mustve been like, wtf.. lol [:
loginpro77  2007-09-24 23:06:24

so funny, haha
SweetsexiiKels12  2007-09-16 13:07:02


Mike Woodward Documentary

Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-31 23:01:14

Documentary on the head football coach at Westview I made for my Digital Media Productions project.


Carliegirl08  2008-03-23 14:21:19

My name is Carlie and i was Woody's footbal manager for 2 years up here at Hudson's Bay. He is an amazing coach and an all around amazing guy. Everyone here misses him so much. You guys are very lucky to have him :) Tell Him i said hey :)
playboy4ll23  2008-02-02 20:30:58

Tell Woody that Tyler Mayfield said HEY!
duelkiller  2008-01-15 23:12:42

lol coach woody awsome!!
pabdou123  2007-12-21 00:12:07

Hehe nice one coach!
awesomeethan  2007-11-07 00:02:50

huh lawl

Lukas podolski

Duration: 03:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-08 06:46:18

lukas podolski googoo dolls better days


soheib922  2007-11-14 07:01:19

great freind
Haschichkatze07  2007-09-08 17:45:07

Poldi Song auch auf youtube müsst ihr mal gucken ^^
badischerjeck  2007-06-22 10:38:37

Poldi+Huub das waren noch Zeiten...aber der Messias bringt uns ja nun 2010 in die Champions League


Duration: 02:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-13 16:06:13

le titre le di


tythe513  2008-04-04 17:47:15

magniffffique wonderful c nice mec une oeuvre d'art


Duration: 04:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-24 18:44:05

Silver the hedgehog in a slideshow with the song 45 by Shinedown


optimus255  2008-04-04 20:55:50

nice dude

SA Holiday - Part 3 (Farm)

Duration: 06:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-04-04 19:27:32

The final part of our holiday taking you on a brief tour around the farm house.


ToobNation1  2008-04-07 15:41:45

The animals are generally well-behaved and don't make much noise after they're fed, otherwise I would have been driven bonkers during my stay! One of the things I enjoyed about staying on the farm in such a small town is looking at the stars in the night sky. You don't get to see the night sky so clearly living in a city surrounded by lights and smog. Thanks for watching Anne! (((Hugs)))
ucantbserious  2008-04-06 16:14:28

That is some farm Norman the meerkat is just so cute, no lie in in the morning there with all that noise,but what a place to live brilliant thank you so much for letting share your trip.God bless
ToobNation1  2008-04-06 09:44:38

Elvis the porcupine is a grumpy little feller. He was raised from infancy and is pretty tame but don't like me much, lol! I wouldn't touch a wild meerkat but Mickey on the other hand is tame, friendly and loves the attention. Thanks for watching!
Luvbeags  2008-04-05 23:14:04

I loved it. Very nice!!! The porcupine seemed grumpy. We have wild porcupines at our cabin, and I've never seen them raise up their quills, even when I'm chasing them out of the woodshed with a broom. But, our porcupines aren't that large, either. Elvis should realize how good he has it! Mickey was very cute as well, but I'd be afraid to hold a meerkat. They have very large teeth :)
ToobNation1  2008-04-05 18:43:55

Meerkats are intelligent, cute, playful and mischievous. Thanks for taking the farm tour! I'm glad you enjoyed the videos bea. :-)