Thursday, April 10, 2008

2/8 派遣法改正し"労働者保護法"に 志位委員長が質問/衆院予算委員会(全編)

Duration: 52:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-08 20:35:59

「労働者派遣法を"労働者保護法"へと抜本的に改正すべきだ」――。日本共産党の志位和夫委員長は8日、衆院予算委員会で基本的質疑に立ち、人間をモノのように使い捨てにする派遣労働の深刻な実態を告発、労働者を守らない派遣法の問題点を具体的に指摘し、福田康夫首相にこう迫りました。与野党席からも「いい質問だ」「その通りだ」の声が上がった気迫の質問に、首相も一定の前向きな答弁をせざるをえませんでした。 [若者に仕事を]


tdcsk  2008-03-31 11:34:23

素晴らしい!!! まさに、シーサー。。。 これからも、私たちをお守り下さい。ウートートー。
minatomin  2008-03-31 06:02:50

mutsueaa  2008-03-31 03:24:45

watarukajihara  2008-03-25 17:15:57

tamihito  2008-03-24 09:15:18


Bam Quits Competitive Smash

Duration: 01:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-25 23:33:23

"yea im quitting competitive smash (/emo)" - Bam


ChaoZ16  2007-06-16 02:31:40

Spratlin344  2007-04-26 18:01:00

MacabrevRessurected  2007-04-25 20:38:43

god, this is bahd.
jasondpalsutube  2007-04-20 08:08:52

this is pretty good
chesterr01  2007-03-03 14:20:04

This is the best music video I've ever seen. I'm not even kidding.

Cristiano Ronaldo Mess Up

Duration: 00:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-05 16:10:57

Ballerina Falls Down


PORTUGAL1010  2008-04-08 19:21:05

CRISTIANO this year is in one word DAZZLING. ENOUGH SAID. Last year there was some doubt who was best and Kaka deserverdly won. This year there is no ARGUMENT Cristiano Ronaldo made SURE OF THAT on the field he PROVED IT. Anyone that argues otherwise needs to take their head out of their ass. Cristiano at this moment is World's Best Player. Forca Cristiano Forca PORTUGAL we are proud of you have acccomplished.
RazielKain10  2008-04-06 04:24:07

he is the best in the world ! he just fall one time in his life ! and what? ! he remains the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ZamariusZa  2008-04-01 15:10:34

great trick , he realy show them hos the boss lol
freestyler591  2008-03-11 12:43:03

sullydadon4life  2008-03-08 19:33:12

u dont make a big deal when something lyk tht happens to other players wat u tryin to say is tht the world best messes up for the first time

Destiny's Chil VS Jennifer Lopez MASH UP

Duration: 03:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-22 03:06:20

Survivor VS Play ACAPELLA : Survivior INSTRUMENTAL - Mostly PLAY NOTE - Faster DC vocals Unlike my other mash ups, this has vocals from both songs. J-Lo's instrumental came with one chorus


xosusuxo7  2008-02-15 14:00:32

woahhh this is so good!!
AjAlexK  2008-01-28 19:47:46

like it a lot,good job!

Ron Paul MSNBC Debate Meetup Event FAU Boca Raton

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-27 23:21:18

Ron Paul MSNBC Debate Meetup Event


Bobcat14Ammo  2008-04-05 10:08:46

That's a pretty logicless statement, read the republican core principles, you'll see that Ron Paul doesn't stray from those one bit!
Kill121019  2008-03-23 00:12:09

These Ron Paul supporters are really Democrats who couldn't campaign for Hillary or Obama because of the BAN due to moving up the Florida Primary. Now, look at the democrats...LOL
Kill121019  2008-03-23 00:09:43

Pope Ron Paul! John McCain for President!
jvbrf  2008-02-20 13:03:26

Ron Paul...bigot
guitmarc54  2008-02-04 13:18:57

Im crying,tears of joy for the hope of freedom, liberty, and Dr. Ron Paul. im registered Demo. But will CROSS Over. for RON Paul! For Sure! We the people can change the mistakes and get control and our rights back from the fear promoting system....and phonies pretending to represent US.

My Letter On Fantasy Football

Duration: 03:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-04-01 17:59:19

In 1996 me and a mate (Big Ed) sent a picture from a porn mag to Frank Skinner and David Baddiel. And would you know it, it appeared on the show. Here you can see the clips of our letter being read out. We used the name "Mr G Dicekins" and claimed to be a West Bromwich Albion fan from Merry Hill, although this was complete bollocks. I hope you enjoy this rather shaky clip taken from VHS using a hand held camera. I apologise for the poor quality. The clip includes Danny Baker and Neil Morrisey as guests, I'm lead to believe they are the only guests to appear on the show 3 times each. Apparantly no other celeb achieved that during the shows run. The show is (C) Avalon Television. Why not check out their website and their other shows at:


bilstonjay  2008-04-04 14:47:31

I'd hoped that if the letter was used they'd make a reference that Albion fans are "wankers" hence the porn mag. But of course they'd never do that as Frank Skinner is a big Albion fan.
m1s1green  2008-04-02 16:21:02

You are the only soul I have heard claim to be a WBA fan when they're not. 5* for originality.

WoW Druid's Path

Duration: 07:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-15 13:37:00

World of Warcraft Runetotem server. Just putting a little movie together with my Druid Nessatelrune, she is Restoration here but since the patch alowed us to respec our druids she is now feral. Also made this because I want to make a druid movie


kidfisty  2008-03-28 10:41:51

druids rool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leebsterftw  2008-03-18 22:46:32

sorry did i cast hibernate on you o.O :P this is my first film in WoW so dont judge too harshly :P if you can top this with your own work then good for you, this is my work and I made it because i watned to nothing more nothing less. Now go back to your Hollywood hugging life while I go make some theatre of Cruelty movies :P
tichergeorge  2008-03-18 12:40:05

6gingerninja9  2007-12-11 12:39:46

Very well done.
linkjay69  2007-12-04 00:55:40

I honor all fellow druids But all other classes shud Fear my Name

Car facing a 747 backwash

Duration: 03:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-07 19:10:07

Car facing a 747 backwash


gtasacrazyboy  2008-04-04 21:53:39

gtasacrazyboy  2008-04-04 21:53:21

I ws referring to 0:12
gtasacrazyboy  2008-04-04 21:51:05

Must've been scary for Hammond standing next to something working that can tear you to pieces within seconds.
MavmanCJ  2008-03-19 13:32:28 fact that 747 could fly on just one 777 engine...
castun66  2008-03-07 01:38:44

wouldn't have to lubricate the engine for a while if you did that.

Biology II Extra Credit Video: "What Not To Do"

Duration: 02:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-28 22:56:09



fairmeout  2008-02-05 17:55:55

good job on it nice video of what to do and not to do a very nice video and i notice your been making videos amontnh later
pongman  2008-01-29 05:50:33

lol, A+!


Duration: 05:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-25 22:18:10

Happy birthday....chelsea says she's sorry.....gosh im bored please request soon.....ummm check out the new site too...


ingapet12  2008-02-11 11:57:53

if u win 1 of these contests, what do u win??
1shammy1  2008-01-26 06:52:57

Idk im always hungry
HairFlippinChels  2008-01-25 22:39:19

Well, many of them...
HairFlippinChels  2008-01-25 22:37:20

I'M SO SORRYYYYY NORBERT!!! =(! Chelsea still wuvs you... in that friend way... Sam- why must you eat in all of your blogs? lol