Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bushido Alles Verloren - Super Qualität

Duration: 04:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-01 06:22:35
User: daftmaniac
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Bushido - Alles Verloren www.onlineturk.de

0oU 070914 AMS45 Quest of D The Battle Kingdom

Duration: 02:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-14 06:59:48
User: milafi
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wonderslime ::: Favorites
07-09-17 14:51:24

The Cure - Just Like Heaven (Live: Sydney, August 9, 2007)

Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-15 07:46:44
User: ryandashsdotorg
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"Just Like Heaven" by The Cure - live at the Sydney Entertainment Centre on August 9, 2007.

Beyaz'la Harika Eurovision Sohbeti 6.Bölüm - 17 Mayıs 2007

Duration: 10:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-18 08:34:13
User: SurprisTv
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Beyazıt Öztürk ile Harika Eurovision Sohbeti 6.Bölüm - Biri Bana Anlatsın 17 Mayıs 2007 Yayını

08N It is a game before you are born.

Duration: 03:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-29 23:01:26
User: milafi
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0DD 070729 Akihabara GANG BANG PARTY

Duration: 09:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-30 04:25:09
User: milafi
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shantellemihalak716 ::: Favorites
Very cool vid!  Visit FLINGS4FREE dot COM for fun flings anytime!
07-09-14 04:25:59

Paraná 2x2 Cruzeiro - Campeonato Brasileiro 2007

Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-30 17:50:40
User: alexandrebqmg
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Local: Estádio Durival Britto, em Curitiba (PR) Data: 29/08/2007 Árbitro: Lourival Dias Lima Filho (BA) Gols (0-1) 25min - Wagner - 1T (1-1) 12min - Josiel - 2T (1-2) 18min - Marcelo Moreno - 2T (2-2) 27min - Josiel - 2T Cartões Amarelos Paraná: Léo Matos Cruzeiro: Jonathan, Thiago Martinelli, Ramires, Charles

0QH 070916 Akihabara Taro Asou handshake 1 of 2

Duration: 08:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-16 08:46:15
User: milafi
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tap823 ::: Favorites
うらやましい!わたしはあと一歩のところで握手できなかった!実物は「半径2mの男」と言われるにふさわしい、本当に魅力的で笑顔のかわいい麻生さんでした。 演説場所は秋葉原駅から裏に回ったところでわかりづらい場所だったのに、ほんと沢山の人が集まったね。わたしもなかなかたどり着けませんでした。
07-09-17 00:18:52
offmatrix ::: Favorites
07-09-16 10:46:52

0FR 070812 WF07S Bubba SaikoroCaramel

Duration: 00:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-30 05:31:48
User: milafi
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Ecuador vs Chile - GOALS

Duration: 00:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-28 12:24:21
User: Rafa7JZ
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02H Asakusa SanjaMatsuri

Duration: 04:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-28 22:12:50
User: milafi
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Şarkı Söylemek Lazım'da Şarkılar 1 - 22 Nisan 2007

Duration: 09:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-22 15:35:08
User: SurprisTv
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Hazım Körmükçü - Hilal Özdemir Berke Hürcan - Burcu Güneş

semih93bursa ::: Favorites
hazım körmükçü and hilal özdemir.great!!!
07-04-28 17:23:59
sedces26 ::: Favorites
07-04-28 12:30:30
manyaxxbursa ::: Favorites
hazım ile hilali çok sevıyorum herzaman ki gibi süper muhteşem...
07-04-25 14:10:18
manyaxxbursa ::: Favorites
hazım hilal süperrrrrrrr.
07-04-25 14:01:28
dilruba87 ::: Favorites
niye elendi ya:(
07-04-23 06:05:46
sbuyukguroglu ::: Favorites
çok güzel bi şarkı yaaa ilk şarkı bayılıom adı ney acaba hazım--hilal şampiyonnnn
07-04-23 05:38:02


Duration: 01:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-16 14:56:22
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Abdullah Gül Anket Yaptırdı ama Sonuçlarla Şoke Oldu !!

Duration: 01:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-03 12:07:46
User: SurprisTv
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Abdullah Gül Anket Yaptırdı ama Sonuçlarla Şoke Oldu !!

DPKD76 ::: Favorites
Yavv dunyanin her yerinde adaylarin ismi aylar oncesinden aciklanir,bizim bu sozde demokratlar altiustu bir iki aday cikaracaklar,sanki devlet sirriymis gibi son dk ya kadar sakliyorlar... secimler oncesi " CUMHURBASKANINI HALK SECECEK " dediler ama bekleyelim gorelim bakalim sozlerinin arkasinda durup halka sectirecekler mi..
07-08-05 19:09:50
Bicibici87 ::: Favorites
yuzde yuz hayir!
07-08-03 20:52:14
DPKD76 ::: Favorites
anket sonuclari istedikleri gibi olmayinca hemen siteden kaldiriliyor..Ne kadar da demokratlar dimi :))
07-08-03 14:12:31

0o5 070913 AMS45 Mushihimesama Futari DVD promo

Duration: 02:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-13 07:17:06
User: milafi
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Genelkurmay'dan Muhtıra Gibi Açıklama !! - 28 Nisan 2007

Duration: 05:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-28 06:30:20
User: SurprisTv
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Genelkurmay'dan Geceyarısı Muhtıra Gibi Açıklama !! - 28 Nisan 2007

sophiethegirl00 ::: Favorites
Deniz Gezmis'in dedigi gibi, "turk ordusu, Amerikanin elinde masa olmustur"
07-08-22 05:53:49
Gezgin18 ::: Favorites
asalak kuerdischeboy yavuz sultan selim onu kürtlere söylemiştir.yazının son satırında "kürde" yazıyor onu değiştirmeyi unutmuşsun mal.
07-08-21 17:29:56
Turkmen26 ::: Favorites
Orgeneral Büyükanıt, en seçkin paşalarımızdan birisidir. Subaylığı boyunca vazifesini fazlasıyla yerine getiren komutanımız, Genelkurmaybaşkanlığı boyunca laik ve üniter cumhuriyetin koruyucusu olmuştur. Atatürk Türkiyesine yakışan bir komutan olan Büyükanıt, Türk milletinin kalbine taht kurmuştur. Bir vatandaş olarak, Sn. Org. Yaşar Büyükanıt'ın Genelkurmaybaşkanı olmasından son derece mutluyum. Gerçek bir asker ve TÜRK olan Paşamızın emrindeyiz.
07-08-21 13:24:45
PATTERN35 ::: Favorites
Hayatimda sag partilere oy vermemis biri olarak Gul'un c.baskani olmasini destekliyorum cunku; bu oyunun kuralina uygun ,demokrasi geregidir.AKP'den de beklenen sivil anayasanin cikmasidir.Bakalim,darbe yapalim derken,darbeyi secimde yiyen Ordu,CHP,burokrasi,yargi,Gul'un adayligi sonrasi ne yapacaklar,gorecegiz??
07-08-14 23:13:51
PATTERN35 ::: Favorites
Demokrasilerde muhalefeti partiler yapar,darbeci orudular degil.Anayasa vardir, AKP filan yamuk yapinca yakasina yapisirsin.Yoksa degisti mi ,degisme dimi fali acmazsin?
07-08-05 22:02:04
PATTERN35 ::: Favorites
Darbeci ordu ,yillardir biz farkliyiz,Guney Amerika ordulari gibi degiliz diye halki epey oyaladi.Laiklik adina,seriat gelmeyecek adina darbeler yapti ama iktidara gelince de imam hatip acma rekoru kirdi.Amaclari seriat,gericiligi alt etmek degil,iktidari devleti yonetmekti.Meclis ustu bir konumalari her zaman oldu bu ulkede
07-08-05 22:00:05
PATTERN35 ::: Favorites
Demokrasilerde iki ayak vardir,sag ve sol.Sagi temsil eden AKP mali gotururken,sol parti etiketli milliyetci ,darbeci CHP hem solun altini oyuyor hemde demokrasinin gelmesini engelliyor bu ulkede.Halk kendi haklarini koruyacak sol parti yerine saga oy veriyor.
07-08-04 13:03:04
PATTERN35 ::: Favorites
Darbeci ordu , meclis ustu baskiyla meclisi secime goturdu (CHP gibi devlet partisi,yargi,c.baskanligi vs ile birlikte),secimde babayi aldi ancak hala halkin secimine saygisi yok.Darbe cigliklari atiyor.Kendi saygisini kaybetmeye basladigindan haberi yok gibi davraniyor hala.
07-08-04 13:00:43
oumarbaba ::: Favorites
serefsiz oglu serefsiz.
07-07-30 21:19:21
DASDSACZXC ::: Favorites
var ben, her yerin bir giyim düzeni var ve ona uyulacak.
07-07-23 01:26:15

Lezzet Durakları Afyon'da 1 : Kaymaklı Ekmek Kadayıfı

Duration: 10:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-06 03:37:43
User: SurprisTv
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Lezzet Durakları Afyon'da 1.Kısım : Kaymaklı Ekmek Kadayıfı

globalraver ::: Favorites
size şunu söleyim mi türkiyede olmak çok güzel.düşünün ki almanyada yaşıyosunuz.nerden bulucam halka tatlısını,taş kadayıfı,sütlü lokmayı,peynir tatlısını.yaşasın tatlılarımız...
07-08-17 07:55:06
ziyabuz ::: Favorites
turkuyu okuyan kisi Nazim Bursalioglu mu,sesini cok benzettim Allah rahmet eylesin. Duyduguma gore asci bacaksiz vefat etmis O da nur icinde yatsin Turkiyede deilim gelince hem nur lokantasina hem asci bacaksiza gidecem Asci bacaksizdan bucuklu istenmez, selamsiz girilmez, yagsiz denmez one gelen soganla beraber afiyetle yenir. gercekten bir sanattir Ayrica Nur da kofteden yemeyende cok sey kaybeder.Cigerci ismail i unutuyordum orayada gidecem
07-07-21 08:14:14
iytelimak ::: Favorites
of of of of o ne yahu ;D
07-07-19 22:29:37

Goias vs Juventude

Duration: 00:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-28 11:37:38
User: Rafa7JZ
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Spain - Slovenia Dances - Int.23rd April Children's Festival

Duration: 07:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-24 11:10:27
User: SurprisTv
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Spain - Slovenia Dances - 29th International 23rd April Children's Festival Live from Aspendos Antique Theatre , Antalya / Turkey Advertisement videos between dances, are views from Antalya / Turkey

andriesu ::: Favorites
this is spanish music???
07-04-24 18:30:08

Fatih Ürek, Şok Webcam Görüntüsüne Dair Ilk Kez Konuşuyor !!

Duration: 05:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-20 04:00:42
User: SurprisTv
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Fatih Ürek, Şok Webcam Görüntüsüne Dair Ilk Kez Konuşuyor !!

amonhotep18 ::: Favorites
Senin götünü siktirmen çokmu doğal ibne seni kim nereye havale etsin??
07-09-17 16:46:48
druggist35 ::: Favorites
a.q umunun topu ağzı laf yapıo götü iş
07-09-14 13:32:21
gokova ::: Favorites
a.q top olduğunu kabul et bitsin ne anlatıyon amcık kafa...
07-09-12 09:57:23
ozturke45 ::: Favorites
fatihe diolar davaya vercen mi haır dio allaha havale ediorum.. yani resmen album oncesı yapılmış bi tezgah oldugu belli.. dier net facialarında hic böle allaha havale edilme oldumu, haır dava acıldı.. ama noldu album oncesı o cocuga bıraz para sıkıştırıldı böle böle yapılcak, yayınlancak sende al su parayı ortalarda gozukme basın belaya gırmıcek,yayınla gerısıne karısma denmedıği ne malum.. hersey beklenir valla..
07-09-12 07:01:13
felisdomesticus5676 ::: Favorites
bu adami sunucu diye kim ise aldi ve ona maas veriyo? saka gibi...
07-09-12 04:53:48
Newcity5050 ::: Favorites
igrenc ya sucu öbürüne atiyor kendi sucu bea tühhhhhhhhhhhhhh erkek misin sen ya?
07-09-09 07:13:03
suskunserserii ::: Favorites
adama bi yandan helal olsun, çünkü adam yalanlamada olayı hayret valla :S kim olsa bu sanat ortamında ilk işi yalanlamak olurdu büyük ihtimal :(
07-09-09 04:14:50
xxxxtrumexxxxx ::: Favorites
benim sitemde bunların fotoğrafı var ama fatihin poposu ve ordaki adamda gözüküyo
07-09-03 18:05:03
topril ::: Favorites
07-08-31 13:23:57
ordakal ::: Favorites
ee kabul etmiş..
07-08-27 22:17:30

Madonna Playing Guitar Nothing Fails Live

Duration: 05:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-13 03:40:28
User: fernancey
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Great Madonna Live Performance! I'm in love with you, you silly thing Anyone can see What is it with you, you silly thing Just take it from me It was not a chance meeting Feel my heart beating You're the one You could take all this, take it away I'd still have it all Cause I've climbed the tree of life And that is why, no longer scared if I fall When I get lost in space I can return to this place Cause, you're the one Nothing fails No more fears Nothing fails You washed away my tears Nothing fails No more fears Nothing fails Nothing fails I'm not religious But I feel so moved Makes me want to pray, Pray you'll always be here I'm not religious But I feel such love Makes me want to pray When I get lost in space I can return to this place Cause, you're the one I'm not religious But i feel so moved Mmmm mmm... I'm not religious Makes me want to pray I'm not religious But i feel so moved Makes me want to pray Pray you'll always be here I'm not religous But i feel such love makes me want to pray I'm not religious (I'm not religious) But I feel so moved (but it makes want to pray) I'm not religious (I'm not religious) Makes me want to pray (But it makes me want to pray) I'm not religious (makes me want to) But I feel so moved (pray) I'm not religious (pray) Makes me want to pray (pray) Nothing fails No more fears Nothing fails You washed away my tears Nothing fails No more fears Nothing fails

7stedmunds ::: Favorites
nobody say anything bad about madonna! she is the worlds greatest!
07-09-05 16:10:08
EAB82 ::: Favorites
actually Monte Pittman did not Mirwais
07-09-01 21:22:13
maxwellcastro ::: Favorites
Mirwais gives her guitar lessons since Music era, as I know...
07-08-27 19:21:37
morenorrico ::: Favorites
she started to play guitar when she was in a band in the early years, she also plays battery and piano. She is completly artist!!!
07-08-27 17:06:42
straightshoot ::: Favorites
MADONNA PLAYS GUITAR??? I've been watching her on and off for over 20 years...WHEN did she start playing guitar!??!?!?
07-08-22 17:56:09
nakerito ::: Favorites
God save the queen!
07-08-19 19:30:03
Dancerfromheaven1993 ::: Favorites
my sister loves her.i love her too.she is awsome!!!!im in love song.
07-08-08 17:44:23
94mav98 ::: Favorites
And being the best selling female recording artist of all time. I love metal music more than anything, but I have a special weakness for Madonna's music and her strength as a performer. She just goes on and one and doesn't care what people say about her. She's this really big source of inspiration and motivation. You gotta give her some cred even if you don't like her music.
07-08-05 21:48:20
mnonopa ::: Favorites
me too :)
07-08-02 15:48:06
mnonopa ::: Favorites
I agree! Best performance ever, she is a great performer, that cd was and still is a favorite of mine, so many good songs LOVER HER
07-08-02 15:47:55

0EU 070805 Akihabara Toranoana GurrenLagann Yoko Big Pop

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-30 04:56:50
User: milafi
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05T Seigi no Hero 1st Location Test Direct Rec

Duration: 02:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-28 23:04:01
User: milafi
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Zaps 5 - WSID East Coast Doorslammer Qual 2007

Duration: 01:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-31 20:57:55
User: bugsie55
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Zappia-Phillips & 2 Brays Qual Runs Zap runs another 5 sec,Phillip & Bray 6.01

auspride82 ::: Favorites
man you posted these pretty quick. it was a bloody good day/night. GOOD work. try filming a top fueler from the 330ft mark though!!! it's not easy.
07-09-03 04:21:18
yuiop112 ::: Favorites
love this man my hero
07-09-03 00:17:13

Eurobasket 07 - Slovenia vs France 16/09

Duration: 03:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-16 20:03:23
User: monuow
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Slovenia Grab Last Olympic Qualifying Spot Slovenia drained seven three-pointers during a 24-6 run to start the fourth quarter in knocking off France 88-74 to clinch seventh place at the 2007 EuroBasket as well as a berth in next summer's pre-Olympic tournament. Jaka Lakovic hit three long bombs in the big stretch on his way to 26 points, six rebounds and seven assists. France into the additional Olympic qualifying tournament. Uros Slokar struck twice from long distance and converted a three-pointer in the spurt as part of his 13-point showing and Radoslav Nesterovic added 19 points, eight rebounds and two blocked shots. "This is just unbelievable," said Lakovic. "We played so well in this tournament and were just one step away from the semi-finals. At least we have met our aim before the EuroBasket of reaching the pre-Olympic tournament." Slovenia were able to overcome two heart-breaking losses to Greece and Germany in the past two days in clinching seventh place, one spot worse than in 2005. France star Tony Parker scored a game-high 31 points and did all he could to keep the French in the game late, scoring his team's first 10 points of the fourth period. France, who also got 13 points from Ronny Turiaf and 10 points from Joseph Gomis, crashed to eighth place - their worst EuroBasket showing since taking 10th place in 1997. "The blame goes to the whole group. Today we were motivated and we reacted well. But it was very difficult when Slovenia were hitting so well from outside in the fourth quarter," said French captain Boris Diaw, who fouled out with zero points and four rebounds. "Our aim coming into this tournament was to reach the Olympics or the pre-Olymipc tournament, but we have failed in both aims." France started the game cold, just 1-of-6 from the floor in falling behind 14-6. Claude Bergeaud's team rolled off an 11-0 run to pull ahead but trailed 18-17 after the first period. The game went back-and-forth in the second quarter and was even at 33-33 before Yakhouba Diawara's three-pointer keyed a 7-0 France spurt, during which Lakovic drew his third foul. Matjaz Smodis was able to hit a three-pointer in the waning seconds of the first half to trim the deficit to 40-36 at the break. After Slovenia had pulled to within 40-39, Joseph Gomis and Parker combined for France's final 14 points of the third period in jumping to a 57-51 advantage going into the fourth. Ales Pipan's team went on fire to start the final period. Slokar drained two long bombs and converted a three-point play and Lakovic hit three treys of his own in a 24-6 run which opened a 75-63 lead with 3:40 to play. Slovenia would eventually work the lead up to 17 points in the fourth.

Matej1234 ::: Favorites
we must be in semi finals....only our player can waste 16 points in 2 minutes
07-09-18 10:59:49
bejly99 ::: Favorites
I am proud because i am slovenian=)sssslllloooovvvveeeennniiiijjjjaaaaa
07-09-17 15:53:51
JUSTDUED ::: Favorites
Slovenia was a surprising team this euro year , wish luck to get them to olympics
07-09-17 15:36:43
uslugangster ::: Favorites
thanks ... from turkey :)
07-09-17 10:19:45