Monday, March 31, 2008

¿Qué hace un zorro en celo?

Duration: 00:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-02 10:31:14

Teresa, ademas de cantar bien, sabe hacer sonidos "raros" y desconocidos para algunos, alguien sabe lo que hace el zorro(conocido en nuestra tierra tambien como "gandano") y la (zorra) cuando estan en celo? ahi teneis una prueba


DS Review - DS Travel Case

Duration: 10:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-02 20:58:13

A DS travel accessory.


LcStick  2008-03-30 02:52:48

shacklesunrated  2008-03-20 19:28:33

u have a bunch of vedios but they are good. Did u do a super smash brothers brawl review if u did reply to this plz. thanks
solid1997  2008-03-05 21:41:37

Why do you need a special (very gay) bag?the thing is freaking small!I just don't get it
speedy2davey  2008-03-02 20:55:53

cool. i just use a shoe box
Denturion  2008-02-26 03:10:51


Love That Cannot Be Measured

Duration: 04:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-08 01:22:04



rolofreak  2007-07-25 06:17:57

cool and sexy nice vid
madgy85  2007-04-16 04:21:58

Can Lauren Hill's "Killing Me Softly" be applied to Tangeline? Is it sexy enough?
noelle360d  2007-04-13 09:53:14

I love this song as well, and it is also in my mp3. I'm glad you enjoyed the mvid.
ksb78  2007-04-12 22:45:17

I used to love this song. I forgot all about it. now i gotta go find it and put it on my mp3player! Good song, great couple...I'd say a perfect combination all around! Great vid Noelle!
noelle360d  2007-04-08 21:37:13

Thank you.

松田れいちゃん 自己紹介

Duration: 01:05 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-08 12:43:35

松田れいちゃん 自己紹介


s15wolf  2007-11-26 07:23:29

u are so cute!
DGRQ  2007-11-22 23:06:02

(\ /) ( . .) ('')('')

Re: Re: ¿Por qué Vlogueas?

Duration: 02:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-15 15:36:27

Respondo a Tonichu


mambaroja  2008-03-19 15:45:21

hola cielo!,muy buena comparación de los trolls,jeje.nada,ni caso a ellos. un beso!
cantodesirenas  2008-03-18 21:31:17

Siempre en todos lados hay gente con mala intencion, como tambien siempre hay gente que vale la pena, cada uno sabra a quien le da mas importancia, un beso grande!
luiseviya  2008-03-18 15:05:12

arriba los vloggers!!! k somos mas
FrineGr  2008-03-16 13:47:49

Tendrán algo de masocas :D otro beso¡
locurainside  2008-03-16 12:52:23

genial video, cierto lo de los trols pero tontos ellos por ver algo que no les gusta no? 1 beso!!

Britney Spears and her dad gets mobbed at Mastro's in 90210

Duration: 03:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-24 07:56:00

Britney Spears At Mastros in Beverly Hills.02-23-08.


r4di0arron  2008-03-30 13:53:56

I love Britney! If anyone needs this cell tone I just found it @ EveryPhoneTone . Com -------- i looove? her:)
54kiwell  2008-03-30 10:59:41

I love Britney! If anyone needs this cell tone I just found it @ EveryPhoneTone . Com -------- at least she's preparing for life after singing by dancing on the pole
r3cip3jam  2008-03-30 08:46:54

I love Britney! If anyone needs this cell tone I just found it @ EveryPhoneTone . Com -------- no club songs have storylines/plots!what the hell are you guys on. being a devoted fan all i wanted was too see her happy again!
elvynbit  2008-03-30 07:45:38

I love Britney! If anyone needs this cell tone I just found it @ EveryPhoneTone . Com -------- You know what I would do. I would remove the parts with Britney "singing" and remake it over as a dance beat preferably with new vocals
isal0v3n  2008-03-30 06:13:02

I love Britney! If anyone needs this cell tone I just found it @ EveryPhoneTone . Com -------- no matter what she's my favorite diva

Old Grimy

Duration: 01:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-25 01:45:15

I don't know what to say just.... you'll see


jaimedelfuego  2008-03-25 02:31:24

the end it the best

Lego Staar Wars

Duration: 02:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-11 13:00:55

Episode XTCGHBTHC Return of Lord Lego. Based on the Staar Wars of Master Movies.


Xsisseltheone  2008-03-15 14:32:52

geweldig pricies van mastermovies :)
Greenlizard538  2008-01-15 14:08:41

hoezo dat? we hebben alleen de voice gebruikt van MasterMovies. Verders zijn alleen deze stukkies beschikbaar in het spel.
eriraiourweo  2008-01-15 13:06:49

hoe bedoel je nageaapt:S
Greenlizard538  2008-01-05 13:24:07

het spel heet "Lego Star Wars" voor de xbox 360 en de Wii.
canadaislive  2008-01-05 12:49:29

redelijk welk spel ist wil m hebbe

Sweet Escape Tour 2007

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-18 02:02:50

Don't get it Twisted


西藏日記【Tibet Diary】- Episode 3

Duration: 10:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-13 12:42:23

紀錄片《西藏日記》獲美國兩項大獎五洲傳播中心與美國彩虹英語電視合作拍攝的紀錄片《西藏日記》日前榮獲美國兩項大獎-攝影家獎(THE VIDEOGRAPHER AWARDS)之"最佳攝影獎"(AWARD OF DISTINCTION IN CINEMATOGRAPHY)和2004美國奧羅拉金像獎之"最佳紀錄金像獎"(AURORA AWARDS)。 攝影家獎是由美國電視攝影專業領域裏的專家評選的一個全國性獎項,很受攝影專業人士的重視。今年參選的節目來自美國46個州和世界各地共11個國家。《西藏日記》的獲獎說明五洲傳播中心與彩虹電視合作的拍攝水平已經得到了美國同行的認可和肯定。 美國奧羅拉金像獎是由美國電視專家評選的一個全國性獎項。AUROR的意思的"曙光",奧羅拉金像獎采用的就是"曙光女神"的形象,獎座由制作奧斯卡金像獎的制造商制作。這個獎項主是用來表彰美國公共電視台和獨立制片人制作的高水平的電視節目。 《西藏日記》是五洲傳播中心和彩虹電視于2003年9月聯合進藏拍攝的紀錄片,後期在美國制作,片長爲60分鍾。節目跟蹤兩位認爲西藏應該獨立的美國年輕人在西藏的所見所聞,真實地表現了這兩個人思想轉變的過程,正面地傳達了關于西藏的信息。奧羅拉金像給《西藏日記》的評語是"節目富于創意,內容具有啓迪作用,用精美的形象語言抓住了觀衆。" 美國人受主流媒體和政客的影響,對西藏問題有很多偏見,而這種偏見來自不准確的信息。《西藏日記》則針對這種偏見,以兩個對西藏不了解而被誤導的美國人MOGE和KATY作爲拍攝對象,讓他們親身感受西藏,了解西藏的真實情況。這個兩美國人(一男、一女)是過去主張和支持"西藏獨立"運動的人,但不是激進分子。他們由于被誤導而一直認爲西藏人正生活在水深火熱之中,但是他們本人都向往幸福與和平,思想開明、性格開朗,容易接受新鮮事物。這兩個人選的是彩虹電視在美國通過多次筆試和面試後確定的。 《西藏日記》以這兩個美國人去西藏的"影像日記"方式,真實地記錄了他們去西藏的活動。節目完全以第一人稱由他們來講述個人的經曆-真實地感受、現實與固有觀念的差異及由此産生的思想鬥爭、百聞不如一見之後的思想轉變......等等。節目沒有附加的解說,全部由美國人直接向美國人(觀衆)講述他們的見聞,沒有任何宣傳的痕迹。這種全新的結構和敘述方式,爲達到良好的傳播效果奠定了基礎。 旅途結束時,MOGE(男)說:"來西藏前,我覺得西藏獨立是天經地義的事。到了西藏,與許多人交談後,我不覺得西藏人想要獨立。......我意識到美國媒體確實是很片面的。我的腦子裏有許多被灌輸的觀念。我用了近兩周的時間,才開始讓放下抵觸心理,聽取不同意見。"KATY(女)說:"在美國的時候,我聽說西藏要求獨立,中國的侵占是很血腥的。但是,與越多的人交談,我越了解到:西藏人實際上很感激中國政府帶給西藏的變化和進步。......我很欣喜他們仍在學藏文,以保持藏族文化......" 《西藏日記》在美國試映時,得到美國電視界和其他專業人士的好評。看過片子的美國人有比較一致的反映:他們覺得,他們對西藏問題的看法與MOGE 和KATY出發前的看法完全一致,所以看到MOGE和KATY的思想轉變,他們不得不重新考慮自己的觀點。他們認爲,節目很自然真實,紀錄了 MOGE和KATY對所見所聞的懷疑和思想鬥爭,以及逐漸的轉變過程。MOGE和KATY在西藏的活動也讓觀衆看到西藏人的日常生活和宗教活動,意識到美國媒體的報道正所MOGE所言,"確實是很片面的"。 舊金山地區公共電視台KCSM將作爲發行單位,通過公共電視網向全美發行《西藏日記》節目。 Note: I did not get the permission to upload this video. If anyone thinks it violates the copyright law, please feel free to contact me.


wawdj  2008-03-30 12:06:12

watch?v=FI2tceUD3os Then you only leave space to discriminate To discriminate only generates hate And when you hate, then you're bound to get irate Madness is what you demonstrate And that's exactly how anger works and operates Man ya gotta have love, this'll set us straight Take control of your mind and meditate Let your soul gravitate, to the love ya'll Where is the love?
tandysony  2008-03-24 22:08:58

Any one doubts this vedio, please verify the award information (picture is posted as well) by accessing the following website. Triple"w"(dot)"d3mediagroup"(dot)"com/awards"(dot)"htm" " D3 Productions, Inc. is based in Oakland, California. " If you still can't believe, blame this American company.
paliwoo  2008-03-24 15:23:13

to curtisnewton: im sorry, but what ur trying to prove? a chinese director, so what? everything chinese is liar, is that wut u tryin to say? now u picked up the racial card, huh? FUCK YOU PRICK!!!!!
angie85111  2008-03-24 13:58:42

Great great vividly tells ppl about a true, I gotta go there someday~~
paliwoo  2008-03-24 13:08:04

way betta

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Apresentação de Natal MF 2006 - Bastidores

Duration: 04:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-11 21:49:28

Apresentação de Natal da Turma do Maternal I da Sapientia 2006 - Maria Fernanda


Looking For a New Cell Phone?

Duration: 01:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-18 14:22:04 presents... A look at some of the newest and hottest Cell Phones on the market.


chkngrl  2007-12-20 02:27:25

Just a suggestion, longer videos would be nice and it would have helped if some of the phones were actually shown and used. Not just say that touch screens exist and they have cameras.

Courage The Cowardly Dog - Opening Credits

Duration: 00:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-01 09:27:22



DrunkedCat  2008-03-29 21:27:56

uga buga buga! XD
PezTheElf  2008-03-27 18:56:04

luigi9031  2008-03-11 10:39:08

Thanks, I love this show.