Monday, March 31, 2008

Love That Cannot Be Measured

Duration: 04:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-08 01:22:04



rolofreak  2007-07-25 06:17:57

cool and sexy nice vid
madgy85  2007-04-16 04:21:58

Can Lauren Hill's "Killing Me Softly" be applied to Tangeline? Is it sexy enough?
noelle360d  2007-04-13 09:53:14

I love this song as well, and it is also in my mp3. I'm glad you enjoyed the mvid.
ksb78  2007-04-12 22:45:17

I used to love this song. I forgot all about it. now i gotta go find it and put it on my mp3player! Good song, great couple...I'd say a perfect combination all around! Great vid Noelle!
noelle360d  2007-04-08 21:37:13

Thank you.

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