Tuesday, August 7, 2007

OBAMA @ Moveon.org Townhall: Iraq Withdrawal Timeline

Duration: 118 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-10 23:02:57
User: Politicstv
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Barack Obama's second question during MoveOn.org Political Action's unprecedented Virtual Town Hall meeting on Iraq -- where seven presidential candidates answered questions from MoveOn's 3.2 million members. More video is available at www.MoveOn.org. HELP SPREAD THIS VIDEO -- help it climb the YouTube ratings by giving it 5 stars, making it a favorite, commenting, and forwarding to friends!

gerryjim2 ::: Favorites
This is not exactly what he has said a week or two ago. Knowing the crowd that is listening, it seems he has responded in a way that will be positively received. His prior statement was the full senate will not vote to cut funding for the war if Bush vetoes the time-line. I think Obama is green behind the ears. Why can't he wait and run for President sometime in the future? He needs to learn how to be a good senator. He is young enough to wait. I think he is a little too ambitious.
07-04-11 21:25:33
cbmtrx ::: Favorites
Possibly, but I think he's easily ahead of the rest of the candidates in terms of making a connection. You gotta fire up the voters.<br /> Clinton won the '92 election with optimism and intelligence. Obama can do the same, and on top of being very well educated and very well spoken, his answers display thought and consideration (instead of hubris and blind conviction), which should provide some welcome relief for those who recognize a distinct lack of either in the current President.
07-04-12 08:02:05
bluedot123 ::: Favorites
I agree that Obama is not yet qualified. All other canidates have more to offer our country. We need a leader that has both USA and global contacts to move forward our goals. Makes himself out to be so wonderful. He's changed his name, embellished his achievements and is quick to take advantage or every slander against others running instead of standin up and denouncing the dirt. He said he didn't want wallow in it, but first opportunity show us what kind of person he is he weaseled out for $.
07-04-14 12:26:20
happyday4ny ::: Favorites
Get your facts straight. First of all, Obama did not change his name. He is 45 years old, hardly green. What do you expect a candidate to do, tell us how horrible he is? Sheesh. Teddy Roosevelt was only 42 when elected to office. JFK was 46 when he took office, same age as Obama, with less experience in serving in office.
07-07-10 14:49:55
westlv ::: Favorites
I donated again today to Ron Paul, LOOK AT MY PROFILE TO SEE WHY...spread the word, get involved and DONATE to Ron Paul, TODAY!!!
07-07-10 14:49:38

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