Tuesday, August 7, 2007

070617-換換愛-03-10 漏網鏡頭

Duration: 457 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-17 16:59:08
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites

070617-換換愛-03-10 漏網鏡頭

hartsya ::: Favorites
OMGGG, they kissed so SWEET!~ >.< LOL , wait like mad for the next episode :D
07-06-24 05:47:34
berrybananaz ::: Favorites
eeeeeeeeek!!! next week looks hecka sweet!! Mike is da best!!!!!! XD
07-06-24 22:56:48
Hyiiu ::: Favorites
I am looking forward to watch next ep.... Oh..I don't want to wait
07-06-25 01:32:08
lwy1314 ::: Favorites
Please upload ep4,please ,please!
07-06-25 02:11:08
s051129 ::: Favorites
i would liketo watch thenext ep
07-06-27 06:44:30
iwnthm ::: Favorites
thank you for sharing. looking forward to the next part.
07-06-29 20:52:06
shreeya128 ::: Favorites
hope can upload faster....i love rainie,mike and kingone...they r the best...
07-06-30 07:19:51
kimluvchun ::: Favorites
actually,i think huo yan is also shuaii i luv him too,probably luv him more than mike {juz my own opinion,sori if u r a super fans of mike:D}
07-07-08 12:58:51
zzz3210 ::: Favorites
lol, everyone's picking on rainie.
07-07-10 20:02:37
Pomology4973 ::: Favorites
Love the NGs. Rainie was way too cute! Mike was very easy along her. They have the best on screen chemistry. Period!
07-07-28 05:07:45

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