Monday, October 1, 2007

John Gallagher Jr gets 2007 Tony Award

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Upload Time: 07-06-12 17:08:17
User: sunblinder
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John Gallagher Jr gets 2007 Tony Award


laurelai06 ::: Favorites
whoa what is everyone's problem here? gallagher is amazing...and everyone is talking about him faking things and uh isnt that what acting is? he puts so much passion into it, and also, he's playing a lost teenager. so what exactly is the definition of how to play a lost teenager? they are all very different. i think you guys just need to learn to love the beauty of the music.
07-09-30 10:55:39
Savorist ::: Favorites
Okay...I choose not to waste my time talking about bad actors. Nice talking to you!
07-09-24 22:18:30
orca1142 ::: Favorites
No he actually slapped him. Gallagher said it on an interview. And dont tell me what my expertise is, you dont know me. I have my own opinions about theatre and I've probably said more lines on stage than you have talked. Its the way he slapped him, it was just like smack, smack, smack, *dead silence*. I hate Steven Spinella, he was emotionless, his character looked like he had no objective into whatever hes doing. It was horrible.
07-09-24 22:15:38
Savorist ::: Favorites
Of course they were fake! Hahah, the actor wasn't actually going to hit John Gallagher Jr. ! Or maybe he should have -- it would have brought SOME truthful acting out of the bum. So basically, a good play for you is when the emotions are fake, but the stage combat is real... perhaps your expertise is professional wrestling and not Theatre.
07-09-24 22:08:15
orca1142 ::: Favorites
I thought he really put his heart and soul into his craft. I completely dissagree with what you think. And Steven Spinella was terrible in the show, his slaps at Gallagher were so fake and drawn-out like you said.
07-09-24 22:05:29
Savorist ::: Favorites
Of course that's what I think. There's no right and wrong here, otherwise this conversation would be pointless. Tony awards are not indicative of how good of an actor someone is-- much of that is political and commercial. What you think is amazing, I thought was utterly fake and drawn-out. To each his own.
07-09-24 09:07:23
orca1142 ::: Favorites
I know right? Hes adorable. Hes really funny too. You should listen to his Sirius satellite interview. Hes hilarious on there.
07-09-24 06:06:42
orca1142 ::: Favorites
Thats what YOU think. Theres a reason why he won the tony. And i thought his insanity before he died was amazing. I still have his lines stuck in my head.
07-09-24 05:58:49
ialapid ::: Favorites
sweetie, your're not the only one. i totally feel the same way. *fansself*
07-09-24 04:26:46
Savorist ::: Favorites
Good acting is measured by the amount of reality and humanity a person brings to a fictional character- not comic timing. Gallagher was terrible at it. He faked his crying, he faked his insanity, he faked everything... Steven Spinella was great in that cast and he was the only one.
07-09-24 00:27:09

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