Monday, October 1, 2007

LOZ: OOT Spirit Temple glitch

Duration: 02:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-02 19:35:36
User: Kadaj00X
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A glitch me and my friend found In the legend of zelda master quest. It helped us beat the spirit temple.


maxadam5 ::: Favorites
oh lol
07-07-15 18:41:03
Kadaj00X ::: Favorites
it led me to a room I shouldnt have gone to yet
07-07-14 11:17:51
Kadaj00X ::: Favorites
yeah all the items and some rooms in the temples have been changed
07-07-14 11:17:09
maxadam5 ::: Favorites
so i dont get it how is the master quest different better yet what is the master quest lol and how did it help you beat it?
07-07-13 22:39:16
mark1515 ::: Favorites
what?? Is Master quest really that different than the real game
07-07-09 08:23:56
abisai1308 ::: Favorites
i know an easier way only i dont know how to upload videos
07-03-24 22:57:47
Mario64Fin ::: Favorites
i found that when i was first time in spirit temple but easier way to do it is run into that thing and start playing ocarina. XP
07-03-18 07:15:03
Kadaj00X ::: Favorites
rly cool, I should re record it, but that would be a wast to watch it if you know it will work without them
07-03-10 21:52:27
GameCubeVSWii ::: Favorites
I have Try your glitch and I did it without Iron Boot =)
07-03-09 10:53:50
Kadaj00X ::: Favorites
lol random, thanks for watching, err half of it
07-03-04 22:02:30

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