Monday, October 1, 2007

Puttin' On the Ritz

Duration: 02:09 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-03 18:43:16
User: pinkwhig
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I found an old video! It was hiding, so I forgot to put it up. Glad I discovered it! Enjoi!


mario64bits ::: Favorites
Funny, I didn'y know they had Gary Cooper back then
07-09-30 20:22:16
bozz302 ::: Favorites
so this is were the song came from that made taco a 1 hit wonder back in the 80's
07-09-17 00:26:59
07-08-19 01:35:05
hyperdamnshe ::: Favorites
dude! i remember this movie! my history teacher made us watch it for some, idk, but i loved it!
07-06-28 20:12:50
lacecravat ::: Favorites
Wow. Your vid has sent me to my happy place! I am so glad to know someone else likes to fuse the jazz age goodness with 18th century wonderfulness.
07-02-03 23:50:08
MissDookia ::: Favorites
1776 looks like it'll scar me for life. The dude who looks like Ben Franklin who appears a couple times in the video looks scareh. And tons of men singing and marching towards me when I already have a tiny powdered-wig fetish...makes me think they're gonna rape me or something. Yecch.
07-01-21 21:54:16
pinkwhig ::: Favorites
that's an interesting comment... xD
07-02-17 20:39:38
katertott2 ::: Favorites
Sad, too, since "1776" is one of the greatest musicals (stage and screen), ever. It's brilliantly written, brilliantly cast, brilliantly acted. As for the actor playing Ben Franklin, Howard DaSilva, is pure perfection in the role. pinkwhig, thanks so much for your videos! I am absolutely loving them and I only wish my mom was here to watch them with me. She would have gotten a HUGE kick out of them.
07-02-23 19:00:18
sailorsakura2 ::: Favorites
thanks i have to do a dance onthis song!!
07-01-20 22:34:11
rollyjoger ::: Favorites
Gorgeous. I love it! Your videos are so perfect.
06-12-03 20:08:00

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