Monday, October 1, 2007

Halo 3 Weapon Pics Video 2

Duration: 02:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-06 18:53:36
User: MasterKiller64
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more weapon pics plus more


2jyutyAID9676 ::: Favorites
Cool Halo Video. If your a real halo fan you should get the Halo 3 Xbox 360 Edition. I found where you can actually get the system for free. I'm not sure how much longer this will last, probably not long. You can get your free system at: haloxbox*wants*it (replace the * with .)
07-09-29 22:07:49
1jyutyALFIO7047 ::: Favorites
Cool Halo Video. I'm getting my copy of Halo 3 for free at halo3.wants(.)it (take out the "(" and the ")") I also get a free xbox 360 elite system. Everyone better go get there copy for free too at: halo3.wants(.)it (take out the "(" and the ")")
07-09-24 17:50:03
Ateonn ::: Favorites
''Some'' are halo 3 pics, but the weapons aren't.. same as that grunt was running.. meh.. make a better vid then this plx.. there r enough screens of halo 3 grunts, weapons ect ect..
07-09-22 04:57:54
ESPlayer666 ::: Favorites
cool Halo 2 pics
07-09-15 17:28:59
MasterKiller64 ::: Favorites
those arent halo 2 pics cant u read
07-09-15 17:43:54
2halogods0309 ::: Favorites
grunts look GAY.. nice vid though
07-09-09 19:42:11
MasterKiller64 ::: Favorites
it looks bad in that pic but when u really get a chance to get a good look there new design is to make them look more evil lol
07-09-09 20:11:49
turaga008 ::: Favorites
07-09-09 13:06:26
firelife126 ::: Favorites
07-09-07 17:13:50

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