Thursday, September 27, 2007

Re: Re: 66 Inch Jump by Adrian Wilson

Duration: 00:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-11 19:40:06
User: beebee890
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gtownballa07 ::: Favorites
you talk like a robot.
07-09-19 00:22:09
jackwatt17 ::: Favorites
fuck off kill urself scum!!!!!!
07-09-12 02:58:42
Jeffreyeatspie ::: Favorites
07-08-30 01:43:08
tatertheshaker ::: Favorites
hahahahaha, what a fag!
07-08-28 14:30:27
Jak1772 ::: Favorites
[sigh] Those are called quick judgements, or first impressions or whatever you want to call them. People see you, see the way you talk, the way you behave, the way you look, and they say rude comments. I am guilty of doing this as well, only I feel horrible later...
07-08-19 02:41:06
ekimbell ::: Favorites
all of you tards are being real what if he maybe talks alittle different. he deserves respect just like anyone else.
07-08-16 00:30:58
siperformance ::: Favorites
haahahhaaha i agree with u nigga 110%
07-07-26 13:45:54
compaq1337 ::: Favorites
I think your down right retarded and your friends are retards too
07-07-25 02:02:26
worldscolide ::: Favorites
is this your real your voice XD!
07-07-23 15:23:02
compaq1337 ::: Favorites
screw you
07-07-22 00:30:43

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