Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hello (River) - Firefly/Serenity

Duration: 05:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-02 22:01:03
User: KaywinnetLeeFrye
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*PLEASE COMMENT* Okay so I made this video a while ago. Actually I think this may have been my first Firefly/Serenity video...or I did it at the same time as Me and My Gang cuz they were both very close. Anywhoozits...this song is PERFECT for River. Enjoy y'all! Luv and hugs! Stay Shiny!


KaywinnetLeeFrye ::: Favorites
Thanks a bunch sweetie! I'm glad you liked it! I hope you like anything else of mine you see! Stay shiny!
07-09-26 00:13:17
havicjin ::: Favorites
this Video is simply brilliant.
07-09-25 20:49:15
KaywinnetLeeFrye ::: Favorites
Thanks a bunch sweetie! I hope you like any others you find! Stay shiny!
07-09-15 23:26:37
janisdg ::: Favorites
This video is great. You done good, little Kaylee.
07-09-15 18:50:13
KaywinnetLeeFrye ::: Favorites
You're right. Someone was once asked if they thought intelligent like existed on other planets- they said they didn't know if there was intelligent life on this planet lol. Thanks a bunch for the comment sweetie! Stay shiny!
07-09-15 18:14:50
wolfgirl601 ::: Favorites
Some people are goram idiots. Love this vid and it is indeed perfection to describe River Tam. :)
07-09-15 11:37:02
KaywinnetLeeFrye ::: Favorites
Seriously....STOP SPAMMING!! :: Swears in Chinese :: Although thanks for not advertising porn.
07-09-11 14:16:06
KaywinnetLeeFrye ::: Favorites
Thanks sweetie! It was a good scene. Simon makes me hate my brother even more...I didn't know a brother could be so nice without motives lol. Anywhoo- thanks again for the comment sweetie! Stay shiny!
07-09-02 18:34:58
HowAbominable ::: Favorites
Thanks for making this, Simon and River are my favorite characters and I love to watch them. The last scene of the clip almost made me cry the first time I saw it.
07-08-31 21:42:57
KaywinnetLeeFrye ::: Favorites
Thanks a bunch sweetie! I'm glad you liked it! I hope you like anything else you see!! Stay shiny!
07-08-31 13:47:31

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