Thursday, September 27, 2007


Duration: 02:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-12 03:10:02
User: beebee890
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Gilansback ::: Favorites
ur dad was a horse fucker and if so his mom must have been a unicorn that would explain that bump on your head
07-09-14 00:36:59
wartog336 ::: Favorites
Dam talking about making a mistake and partying to hard. Your dad musta been a drunken fool when he mounted your mom and created you. Thats a very bad mistake right there. Your the load your mother wishs she would of swollowed.
07-09-14 00:34:22
humanice2 ::: Favorites
07-09-13 19:10:36
txguy1980 ::: Favorites
07-09-13 16:25:16
joyfighter ::: Favorites
anyone ever reached the summit on your forehead?
07-09-12 15:28:56
gpgtnv ::: Favorites
I think you're right beebee. The media does over do it sometimes, but I think it's just because people think it's interesting to watch. Kind of like a real life movie.
07-09-12 12:36:04
Poonhero ::: Favorites
get those goiters on your face fixed ya freak!!
07-09-12 12:30:10
bobdole ::: Favorites
look at the fucking craters on this guys face!
07-09-12 08:53:25
sweetdestiny1976 ::: Favorites
hello there sweetie nice to see u again
07-09-12 07:25:19
CheckMate77777 ::: Favorites
haha seriously watch this over and over. its so funny "ashhly olshen" everone makes Mish-takes
07-09-12 06:40:59

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