Thursday, September 27, 2007

Kelly Clarkson - Sober

Duration: 04:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-25 20:57:59
User: OKcultjam
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performing on The Sauce (Fuse) on June 25, 2007 "Sober" quickly became my favorite song of all time. The lyrics, the meaning, the music, the buildup, and heartbreaking sound of her voice at the end. I'm totally in love with this song.


baasheepbaa ::: Favorites
Noooo Kelly's not fat. She's about the only singer out there that is of a NORMAL weight. She's so beautiful as a brunette :D I actually admire her SO much!! And this song wows me everytime =) x
07-09-26 16:22:45
loubz01 ::: Favorites
Exactly =]
07-09-26 10:43:29
galadriel6969 ::: Favorites
she looks better as I brunette. at least I think, anyway. what a gorgeous gal. a spitfire to be sure. YOU GO GIRL!
07-09-25 14:05:29
galadriel6969 ::: Favorites
carrie is totally BORING compared to Kelly. She's got an amazing voice but she's a puppet. Kelly has huge fire and is creative and interesting. She's the only one so far that will have a long long career as far as I can tell. She's smart and real. Her new album is killer and a nice deviation from her other stuff.
07-09-25 14:03:25
roscot99 ::: Favorites
Love Kelly (and Carrie) but Leona is to die for!
07-09-24 14:51:51
loubz01 ::: Favorites
Yeah Kelly is the best by FAR to come out of any singing competition [AI,Pop Idol,X Factor] Although Carrie Underwood is quite good.
07-09-24 13:55:36
ashkhan ::: Favorites
great song!!! .... amazing artist
07-09-24 13:02:29
imlovingbou ::: Favorites
i really love her♥♥♥ she s so cute and has got a great voice she is looking better than before so who thinks she s fat?
07-09-24 09:10:33
galadriel6969 ::: Favorites
Flop? Gosh, didn't it go platinum already? She's the only real talent to come out of Idol. Jordin is great but she ain't Kelly. Kelly's got fire and she's young and strong. We're gonna see her for a looooong time.
07-09-24 03:25:07
o0bers ::: Favorites
Umm, how many albums do you think counts as a flop? Because I understand that selling over 1 million albums is good... And I believe I heard she will be touring soon.
07-09-23 02:13:51

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