Friday, August 24, 2007

War of the Worlds Movie (RCT3)

Duration: 06:40 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-06 00:45:52
User: klpeekl2000
:::: Favorites

Based on the 1938 Orsen Wells reenactment of War of the Worlds, I was inspired by it to make an RCT3 movie. And it turned out alright. The first 2 mins are a breif audio intro of the actual radio broadcast and the last 3 mins is PEEP torture GALORE! Enjoy War of the Worlds....TOM CRUIESLESS!!!! (Notice during the huge explosion, the duck that narrowly escapes!)

luforus ::: Favorites
i dont get one thing how come the ppl were not running while theres a flames and tripods killin everything! thats inconvient
07-08-17 16:39:43
coasterfreak21 ::: Favorites
how did you get that atom bomb?, can u tell me what site its posted on?
07-08-16 09:56:35
coreyhome ::: Favorites
i found an atomic explosion cheat on ign
07-08-17 16:29:20
mfmvp7 ::: Favorites
07-08-14 15:20:11
zaneski13 ::: Favorites
very cool!!! well done!
07-08-10 19:21:17
Johncenarocks8 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 04:34:21
Treldman ::: Favorites
Huge explosion: Re-name a Peep "Atomic"
07-08-03 22:24:33
klpeekl2000 ::: Favorites
Not exactly. Thats only if you want the peeps to fly far, not have a huge explosion.
07-08-03 23:58:15
Treldman ::: Favorites
Oh... How do you get a huge explosion?
07-08-04 15:00:36
thuthmoth2 ::: Favorites
you get allot of fireworks and you close them up in a scenery capsole i guess you could say and fire them off all at ounce and bam a huge explosion.. yuotube searth roller coaster tycoon 3 fire works and look for fire works show gone wrong to see it
07-08-06 13:30:30
klpeekl2000 ::: Favorites
I used a special firework that is in the Firework Pack 11. Its called Mushroom Cloud with Shockwave. That's what I used.
07-08-06 15:44:42
hurriccane ::: Favorites
love the duck, that guy could be a hero someday!
07-08-07 10:45:55
Treldman ::: Favorites
How do I get that firework?
07-08-07 10:52:23
Treldman ::: Favorites
re-name a Peep "Atomic"
07-08-03 22:23:08
Muscelman101 ::: Favorites
How did you get your atomic to work. Mine never works, it's so annoying... Anyway good video. :-)
07-08-02 21:31:51
wenzong1 ::: Favorites
How did you add moving cars and blazing fire? K3wl :)
07-07-30 16:15:57
diton10 ::: Favorites
to add moving cars, just go to the small rides, then make the tracks invisible. if you dont know how, search for it on youtube.
07-08-04 14:30:59
meddieval ::: Favorites
lol i mum likes it whahahahaahah i fucking hate you
07-07-29 08:22:52
Davinstyle ::: Favorites
Ow ok :) Nice vid and how you did that with the cars driving on the way ?
07-07-28 01:35:00
diton10 ::: Favorites
read wenzong1's comment abover you.
07-08-04 14:32:22

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