Friday, August 24, 2007

old testament vs new testament

Duration: 09:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-24 15:47:29
User: jezuzfreek777
:::: Favorites

another old video reposted after editing

doctorh2005 ::: Favorites
I agree with jezuzfreek777. We are NOT "picking and choosing" We are INTERPRETING AND APPLYING
07-08-18 10:57:10
Lilsully12 ::: Favorites
there is so much proof there isn't a god the bible is fucking bullshit the only reason this fucked up religeon was created is because people didn't kno how to explain shit the earth wasn't created in 6 or 7 days whatever it is is fucking retarded Jesus was not "powerful" in anyway he died hes dead eveloution created what we have now i'd like to think we are a little bit more complex then being shit out of some mother fucker in the sky now please...go swallow a knife..
07-08-02 02:53:46
roflcopter4445 ::: Favorites
who said u couldnt beleive in evolution and god?. just cuz christianity may have flaws like religions may have doesnt mean god doesnt exist
07-08-08 03:58:03
james48890743 ::: Favorites
you have demons and are an angry troubled person, you are not your own God and prophecy is one tell-tail sing the bible is of God archiological eveidence for what happend actually happend. The book of Job says the earth floats in space, Isaiah says the world is round and the universe streaches out. You can't explain that away.
07-08-10 02:17:34
ZeroShift5000 ::: Favorites
"Were hooked up" LoL I like that
07-07-31 10:38:55
RaptureMe2 ::: Favorites
Well said freek. I just want to add something to that. God gave us the 10 Commandments, in the first place, to prove to us that we cannot live up to them. Therefore, we need a Savior. So He sent One, and His name is Jesus Christ. Jesus din't come to nullify the old law, but He did unbind us from it. And we are still to do the best we can to live by them. But if we can't because we stumble, God, thru His Son, forgives.
07-07-29 04:03:57
NewKhorne ::: Favorites
I am afraid those of us who clai to believ are pickign and choosing. It is not a misconception it is very accurate and something we need to really look into. The Old Covenant was our foundation the new is our life. We must try to discern the two
07-07-27 15:47:04
Punctum90 ::: Favorites
Question for Christians: Two men die and according to Christian belief only Christians reach heaven. The choice is between an agnostic, loving, practising hoomosexual and a professed Christian preacher who has been stealing funds and having sex with young girls behind his wife's back. That must be a tough call for God. I don't know how he does it...
07-07-27 12:24:50
crazywhiteguy1014534 ::: Favorites
they both go to hell duh
07-08-05 00:27:22
SlowISP ::: Favorites
Congruencts: As an abstract term, congruence means similarity between objects. Congruence, as opposed to equivalence or approximation, is a relation which implies a kind of equivalence, though not complete equivalence.
07-07-27 02:23:33
Perrine234 ::: Favorites
Do you hate shrimp? Leviticus says it's an abomination to god.
07-07-26 06:45:27
dailybread7x ::: Favorites
I love your videos very good.
07-07-25 12:30:01
UniversalAtheist ::: Favorites
so, we could call you a "nothing-freak", because jesus is dead and he isn't coming again. god does notexist.. this is plain and simple. oh yeah, don't forget, the bible was written by men to control others.
07-07-25 08:03:21
TheSabbathBreaker ::: Favorites
I'm not sure they actually thought it would pass the test of time... if i had to guess, based solely on facts, id say the bible was written by some illiterate middle eastern people to make a quick buck. However your right in a way.
07-07-31 13:52:27
TheSabbathBreaker ::: Favorites
whoa, trying to reply to UniversalAtheist then... my youtube account is going all screwy
07-07-31 13:54:00
matros22 ::: Favorites
Good job!
07-07-25 01:04:19
xnightxamex ::: Favorites
great video. you always tend to clear up the grey areas well ;D
07-07-24 22:05:41
GuidSaucy ::: Favorites
Do not admire a man for his looks, nor despise him neither. -- He takes no delight in the power of horses, no pleasure in human sturdiness; His pleasure is on those who fear Him, in those who hope in His faithful love.
07-07-24 16:41:12
GuidSaucy ::: Favorites
Re: Covenants Chrisitians are not 'picking and choosing' homosexuality per se. The NT speaks forbids homosexual activity. ALL SIN leads to death: drunkeness, adultry, FORNICATION (*heterosexuality* outside marriage), greed, etc. Some pastors give the impression *only* homosexuality is a sin for men. This is a mistake and leads many astray. They do it because their want worldy power and wealth [and gay bashing brings it to them].
07-07-24 16:37:19
temukense83 ::: Favorites
The Written Law is not perfect, that's why we have the new covenant, with the celestial Law written in our hearts to guide us. The Old Covenant have many metaforical laws that we don't have to follow (such as the unclean animals, the fabrics, sabath, etc), because they were fulfilled by Jesus.
07-07-24 16:28:44

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