Friday, August 24, 2007

Olbermann: Dana Milbank on Libby's commuted sentence

Duration: 06:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-03 08:07:44
User: coldice76
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Olbermann: Dana Milbank on Libby's commuted sentence

mosellesexygirllq ::: Favorites
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07-08-18 08:06:18
MitSretniw2 ::: Favorites
"Sandy Berger didn't go to jail, Clinton avoided the slammer, but Scooter needs to be sent to the gulags."
07-07-03 17:07:13
Backpackr3 ::: Favorites
These Demrats are a pathetic joke. The president has the constitutional authority to do just as he did. It seems that it is the Demrats who have no respect for the rule of law judging by their fallacious "contempt of congress talk". Cry me a river Demrats.
07-07-03 16:05:48
annarboriter ::: Favorites
You do know that you are conflating two separate issues, right? I know it's hard given the huge number of complaints against this administration. The contempt of congress is related to Bush's telling Rove, Miers, et alii not to accept subpoenas to testify before congress. I can draw you a picture if that helps.
07-08-10 22:37:00
Markghero1 ::: Favorites
I am not surprised that this happened they were hoping to do this after his appeals. Which means at the end of his term. We are all fucked.. Time to go
07-07-03 14:54:47
Shryce ::: Favorites
President Bush is behaving like any common maffia leader, don't touch any of his gang ! This sends a clear message to anyone who wants to hold the Bush mob accountable and that is, you can't touch us anyway so you'd be crazy to risk your job over it.
07-07-03 13:36:56
chuchu30 ::: Favorites
The President and Vice President are criminals!
07-07-03 09:14:12
daviemun ::: Favorites
No Doubt.
07-07-03 14:17:52

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