Friday, August 24, 2007

Apple Special Music Event 2003-Steve iChats With Artists

Duration: 08:33 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-02 07:44:55
User: peestandingup
:::: Favorites

After announcing that iTunes is now available for Windows, here we see Steve Jobs having an iChatAV session with Bono, Dr Dre & Mick Jagger.

userxx ::: Favorites
Hah, Dre was jokes.
07-04-10 21:15:33
jigglemaster7 ::: Favorites
wow webcam chatting
07-04-09 23:41:38
thanh1688 ::: Favorites
lol that's right Jobs really looks like a panda
07-03-29 07:44:51
Dagibit ::: Favorites
Jobs looks like a panda bear.
07-03-28 15:05:43
rcmatt4321 ::: Favorites
Its not the webcam Its about their music store a iPods Microsoft did not even touch Apple with their piece of crap Zune moron
07-03-06 19:23:53
thecreativeone ::: Favorites
Haha, I know... some people fail to pay attention.
07-03-12 13:01:29
Gredran ::: Favorites
now steve dont gotta lug that big cam around! now he just has it right in his comp. his intel core 2 duo comp
07-03-04 02:24:03
Spitefulgod2 ::: Favorites
wow a webcam.
07-03-02 17:21:22
nyqa ::: Favorites
it's so fun to see apple freaks go through the roof when apple does something microsoft have done alrdy :)
07-03-02 13:50:58
Rjnicko ::: Favorites
but IBM pcs don't have ichat on so how could microsoft have done it alrdy
07-04-13 05:53:25
A900ROCKS ::: Favorites
apple rules
07-02-28 22:53:29
appleSeedAppleSeed ::: Favorites
forget microsoft. here's apple
07-02-26 15:41:50
baEaglei1 ::: Favorites
do you have to pay for iChat? i know its a weard question but i dont have a mac yet. and iChat is prety cool. so yea. do ya
07-02-16 19:42:46
peestandingup ::: Favorites
Nope, its free & built into the OS.
07-02-21 23:57:00
RammsteinAdicct ::: Favorites
Hey man can you send me a private message on the iMac you have, i'm going to buy one soon.
07-03-12 23:24:34
newguineafan ::: Favorites
07-02-16 19:30:37
lxipatzi04805 ::: Favorites
I like this video because DR. DRE is on it. Gangsta!! Keep up the good work Steve
07-01-30 01:41:05
XMattingly ::: Favorites
Did you guys notice that there was a Dell monitor at Steve's demo table? :)
06-09-06 22:43:05
peestandingup ::: Favorites
It was there because he was demoing iTunes on a PC.
06-09-09 21:46:14
SOAD861 ::: Favorites
They put a Black guy on iChat! Hahahaha! When bono came on everyone was happy! When Dre came on they were like "Who the hell is this negroe!?". Lol, good job Steve.
06-08-20 01:15:01

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