Thursday, August 23, 2007

Social Engineering at McDonalds - Free cheeseburger & fries!

Duration: 03:04 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-22 17:10:57
User: hack247
:::: Favorites

An often overlooked hacking technique is social engineering, used extensivley by such pioneers as Capn Crunch and the infamous Kevin Mitnick to obtain server passwords and bank dial up numbers Here's a brilliant example of the method being put to use at McDonalds to obtain a free cheeseburger and fries! So if your ever hungry and short on cash then head on over to the drive through and put your social engineering skills to the test! As always, hack247 do not condone ripping of anyone or anything, all videos are presented to you for educational purposes only! As always, check out for the latest in technology, hacking and phreaking related videos

jamxdan ::: Favorites
pretty lame
07-08-11 16:48:31
Blavlahoemzaza ::: Favorites
I bet they spit on those burgers....
07-08-12 18:08:51
Innominate8 ::: Favorites
I hear you can use a gun to hack a bank for free money. HACK TEH PLANTE
07-08-16 12:01:17
playgirl0706 ::: Favorites
wow you can't pay $3 for food thats pretty lame!
07-08-16 12:43:03
EasTSidEZacH ::: Favorites
dude that guy in the white has a kickass hat cuz icp rocks but cool vid, where i live its nuthin but black gangsters workin at micky dees and thed be like, "eh' white bitch, i dont give a fuck what yo DAD ordered"
07-08-17 13:57:42
xxRawrbabyxx ::: Favorites
hahaa :) sweetttttttttttttttttt ^_^
07-08-19 17:31:36
newkiraj ::: Favorites
?? wow. you know , it does say in the description "s always, hack247 do not condone ripping of anyone or anything, all videos are presented to you for educational purposes only!". Or can you even read? He didnt tell you to do it. Actually he almost told u not to do it. if u went and tried it thats your own fault. dumbass
07-08-20 03:07:44
burnmaker1 ::: Favorites
it is not icp it is cccp.... tard
07-08-21 10:22:46
jackbrechin ::: Favorites
EasTSidEZacH - "where i live its nuthin but black gangsters workin at micky dees" PMSL! ROFL!
07-08-21 18:25:45
tammygurl94 ::: Favorites
LOL, wow, i didn't hear quite well, tho, what u do?
07-08-22 15:56:55

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