Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lib moderator shouts down soldier at YearlyKos Chicago 07

Duration: 04:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 17:06:46
User: Plato86
:::: Favorites

At the 2007 YearlyKos in Chicago a man in military uniform was shouted down by the moderator when he tried to ask the panel a few questions. The panel entitled " The Military and Progressives" was discussing the on going war in Iraq and the role veterans play in the anti-war movement when the gentleman in uniform began arguing that the troop surge was working and questiong the panel. The moderator then demanded the gentleman identify himself,his military creditals and threated to have the man kicked out of the armed services before he stormed off. I guess this is what passes as free speech for progressives. Credit:

Plato86 ::: Favorites
Even if you only care about American lives you have to see that a Democratic Iraq will make Americans safer since free people do not attack eachother.Isolationism is not a viable foreign policy never has been never will be.
07-08-16 11:37:28
Slackboy1 ::: Favorites
Do you really think a Democratic Middle East is what the architects of this debacle have in mind? Do you really think they'd botch it this badly by attacking a country that was no threat to us just when a young Iranian population was about to kick out the Mullahs and turn to the west?
07-08-16 16:38:14
Plato86 ::: Favorites
Yes Bush himself said that he wanted to free the Iraqi people from tyranny from the begining. As for the Iranian people they still love the west it's just their Jackass president who keeps threating us.
07-08-16 19:49:39
Slackboy1 ::: Favorites
The military industrial complex (which we were warned about by our last decent president, Republican DD Eisenhower) requires enemies to make the right people rich. We lose the Commie threat, we foster a new one. That's all this is.
07-08-17 09:55:09
Plato86 ::: Favorites
So that's what this war is all about making money for PMCs and defense contractors? A bit simplistic don't you think? There are plenty other easier ways to make tons of money besides fighting wars.Anyway Al Qeada attacked us and started this new war so it's not like terrorism is some type of manufacture threat cooked up by KBR and Haliburton.Paranoid much?;)
07-08-17 13:32:58
ulostknowledge ::: Favorites
censorship here i cant find responces on my comments
07-08-19 13:34:22
Plato86 ::: Favorites
What was your comment again? If it was nonsense that had nothing to do with the video then it deserved to be removed.
07-08-19 14:18:08
Slackboy1 ::: Favorites
No, there is no better way to make money than war. This is exactly what the PNAC, cheney and rummy have been pushing for. Those two have been lying about the capabilities and intentions of America's "enemies" since the Ford administration. It's just what they do. Ever hear of their fine work with Team B?
07-08-19 16:38:18
Plato86 ::: Favorites
I have no idea what "Team B" is but I'm sure you're going to tell me. As PNAC well that is a political manifesto that says America needs to start a new Manifest Destinty and spread it's influence around the world. PNAC says we even should fight a war with China. It's crazy shit from a think tank and I seriously doubt it has any impact on real policy.
07-08-19 22:17:13
Slackboy1 ::: Favorites
What in the hell are you talking about? PNAC has no "impact on real policiy"? newamericancentury dot org/iraqclintonletter dot htm Signed by rumsfeld, wolfowitz, perle and bolton. PNAC didn't just influence the policy. It was the people who created the policy.
07-08-20 05:07:56

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