Thursday, August 23, 2007

Chronicles Of a Gold Farmer Episode 1

Duration: 10:50 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-30 16:14:47
User: botchok5
:::: Favorites

Chronicles of a Gold Farmer features some BOTS farmer, but this video includes an awesome commentator! Enjoy.

Dainerys ::: Favorites
Didn't think of one option moron, I'm FRIENDS with goldfarmers from FFXI, and as their friend I helped them farm gil. Second off.. what's the title say? Chronicles of a GOLD FARMER."Propper" players. Do you mean "proper"? So are you just naturally stupid, or did this take years of practice? Judging by your brain-dead stance I'd guess you are 10 years old or a can of soup.
07-07-19 05:03:09
ltshinta ::: Favorites
Bwhaha you moron. Your friends can't even get proper jobs. yes it did take years of practice FYI. and as a good can of soup I got my degree but since u have no morrals why dont you go rape someone since by your logic that is okay since they have your approval. Yes and the title is Chronicles Of a Gold Farmer. Whats your point
07-07-19 05:54:16
Dainerys ::: Favorites
You were able to get a degree without being able to spell simple words like "MORALS"? You're a liar and you're sad. What's my point with the title? "first of all a bot is not a gold farmer." So your comprehension skills must be as horrible as your spelling I take it. You can't even make a good insult. "u rape ppl lol" Woooow nice dude. Ownt and everyone knows it, go cry.
07-07-19 06:24:15
ibangedbayleaf ::: Favorites
itshinta = l0ser of teh century ROFL
07-07-19 06:27:22
ltshinta ::: Favorites
i cbf wasting my time on your pvegold buying noob peice of shit.
07-07-19 06:47:02
Dainerys ::: Favorites
Oooo resorting to name calling :P Is the wittle retard baby angry? Have fun crying you alcoholic waste of space, I think I'm done here.
07-07-19 06:52:00
ibangedbayleaf ::: Favorites
r0fl itshinta deleted all his vids bout him cuz he got pwnt so bad aaaaaaaaaaaaahahahha
07-07-19 07:08:34
ltshinta ::: Favorites
FYI ther private/
07-07-19 13:47:55
shaka23h ::: Favorites
lol.. what a mean fuck.. thats obviously a weak bot with weak safety precaussions and badly made routes. lol.
07-08-08 17:37:59
xxrigo22xx ::: Favorites
Ibanged = Homo of the universe, go Farm some Gold Troll Queen
07-08-20 11:46:50

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