Thursday, August 23, 2007

Big girls don't cry. Mr. Pregnant.

Duration: 04:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-21 13:21:56
User: yalopasadopasado
:::: Favorites

this stupid video is from daily jaja. I hope you hate it like I do.

Ayisha27 ::: Favorites
This guy has too much time on his hands! LOL!!
07-08-14 12:35:27
eyexoxlovexoxyouxox ::: Favorites
wow. ive just watched twenty one seconds of this and ive had enough. this is stupid and its a discrase against women. do i have to explain? i think i will. girls odnt cry like that. only fake barbie dolls that crave attention. you. are maaking fun of us women. and its not right. and obiouslny you dont have a problem with it becuae you impersonated many other videos. you pig if your going to do it dont make it public.
07-08-14 19:55:25
roshane2 ::: Favorites
lmao. i think she's a cutie. what's her name?
07-08-14 22:11:15
roshane2 ::: Favorites
ok, i just realized this was a guy, hence the title "mr.pregnant". you're still really hot.
07-08-14 22:11:48
Mitchellmussoluvr6 ::: Favorites
im freaking scared
07-08-16 00:27:30
googleguz ::: Favorites
OMG this is hilarious
07-08-16 16:38:08
apehelvete ::: Favorites
07-08-16 17:34:58
babbalabadingdong ::: Favorites
i cant fall asleep now
07-08-16 19:49:10
Rockgurl01 ::: Favorites
Oh Great now I'ma have nightmares thanx pal!!!
07-08-17 20:07:40
silentone760 ::: Favorites
damn he does a good impression of a bitch crying...hahahahaha
07-08-22 17:27:18

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