Wednesday, August 8, 2007

大小愛吃 - 楊宗緯、潘裕文廚藝PK戰(上) part2

Duration: 532 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-09 22:02:11
User: hahahaheb
:::: Favorites

大小愛吃 - 20070709 part2 來賓: 楊宗緯、潘裕文 近來爆紅的星光幫成員楊宗緯和潘裕文今天來到「大小愛吃」要展露廚藝,歌聲一級棒的他們,究竟廚藝又是如何呢?現場更是帶來多首膾炙人口的歌曲,讓現場工作人員都聽得如痴如醉。

deadrahrah ::: Favorites
haha! . both of them are so cute~ :DD~
07-07-11 12:08:34
b31mont ::: Favorites
haha cool. i saw sum cool vidoes at NexusLife.t v
07-07-11 20:05:59
ghostgoodboy ::: Favorites
番茄跟蒜 !? 阿哈哈哈 so funny, tomato and garlic look so different, qt
07-07-11 23:05:26
producer0413 ::: Favorites
I Love 潘裕文 and 楊宗緯!!!
07-07-13 23:28:32
blancaespirit ::: Favorites
is she pregnant again?!?!
07-07-15 17:43:09
hahahaheb ::: Favorites
yes, she was. haha
07-07-15 20:54:20

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