Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Intro to Stevie Ryan Week

Duration: 120 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-28 12:18:26
User: ChannelReviews
:::: Favorites

This was origionally made for Gimmeabreakman instead of a spotlight which I wound up doing anyway so he said he'd use both. This one will be just clips so I'll upload it all here and as it says, this is the intro to Stevie Ryan Week Artist- Ehma Album - 15 court-métrages Track - Court-métrage n°1 Artist - Raphaël Badawi Album - Le chant d'ivresse Track - Ouverture - Ô homme prends garde (more)

delatexan ::: Favorites
THIS...IS....SPARTAAA!!!! What? Everyone else was yelling, and I just wanted to be popular.
07-05-29 17:44:32
kwonblk ::: Favorites
love the rage
07-05-30 01:33:24
shamgod41 ::: Favorites
In 1930 Bishop W.J. Walls of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church wrote an article sharply denouncing Amos 'n' Andy, singling out the lower-class characterizations and the "crude, repetitional, and moronic" dialogue. Wake up Youtubers. Don't be a signatory to this shit.
07-05-30 07:07:30
shamgod41 ::: Favorites
LittleLoca perpetuates a negative ethnic stereotype for material benefit. Maybe her next character could be a Chinese laundry girl with bucked teeth and thick black framed glasses. A marginal talent with dreams of money and fame; likely to end up driving the tour bus at Univeral Studios Tours.
07-05-30 07:18:05
Vamoalla ::: Favorites
Hey, Sham. Get a life. If you want her to look stupid, then start working in the Latino community to get them to understand the value of an education. Get them to rise above their ignorance because to tell you the truth, the are thousands and thousands of young Latinas who sound like this and WORSE. It only makes Loca look stupid if the character she plays isn't true.
07-07-22 07:08:35
shamgod41 ::: Favorites
Nope. Your reasoning is upside down. Loca's schtick is offensive precisely because there are a disproportional amount of pathologies in the hispanic community. We don't need some white chick exploiting these pathologies for her own benefit. Could that brush you're using to paint the Latino community possibly be any wider?
07-07-22 12:23:40
Vamoalla ::: Favorites
I'm not broadbrushing the Latino community. You are. I don't think her charactor represents all Latinos. Do you?
07-07-22 12:35:26
shamgod41 ::: Favorites
"start working in the Latino community to get them to understand the value of an education. Get them to rise above their ignorance because to tell you the truth" -Vam I dunno, seems like a broad stroke--no qualification at all. And How can you say I'm generalizing when I said there IS a "Disproportional amount of (negative social) pathologies" in the Hispanic community? That's a simple fact. Literacy rates, infant mortality, per capita income, the problems are there.
07-07-22 12:46:24
Vamoalla ::: Favorites
Are Latinos without positive role-models? Are Latinos without positive stereo-types? (the Latin lover for example) Cesar Chavez is mentioned in the same breath as MLK, Bobby Kennedy. Someone parodies a certain type of Latina. So what? You can't deny it exists. But when you forget the positive role-models, and don't focus on what real Latino pride should be. Not just pride in race, but pride in what Latinos have done, and what Latinos SHOULD BE STRIVING TO DO, you are wasting energy, imo.
07-07-22 13:52:53
LSSisbackbitch ::: Favorites
You guys are BOTH wasting energy. LittleLoca is just some whiny, little Bitch's way of expressing her self. It's a mask to hide her true identity. When she is Loca or any other character she feels pure, again. Wiped clean.. untouched.. like before HE touched her. HE, who we speak not of...
07-07-29 08:22:34

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