Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Labor: strengthen Medicare, make dental care affordable

Duration: 75 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 21:28:50
User: australianlabor
:::: Favorites

It's hard to stomach that today, one in three Australians go without health or dental care because they simply can't afford it. Labor's health spokesperson Nicola Roxon says Labor will strengthen Medicare, make dental care affordable, and make sure every child gets a health check when they start school.

aussiefem ::: Favorites
Have a good look at peoples mouths. Never before have I ever seen SO many people with teeth missing!!! It's almost like looking at extras for "Pirates of the Caribbean" out there in suburbia land! Laughter aside, this is serious. Poor dental care can lead to potentially fatal heart disease.
07-08-06 23:53:46
brettbaver ::: Favorites
yes, $50+ just for a dentist to look inside your mouth is ridiculous. funding dental visits is a vote winner.
07-08-07 01:32:45
grumlbw ::: Favorites
What happened to bulk billing? What happened to the public health system? Low income and those with disabilities are truly disadvantaged in Australia. This country's health system is a nothing but a bad joke.
07-08-07 09:00:28
pikendunny ::: Favorites
Let's get the DENTAL HEALTH CARE UP & RUNNING , I'm a senior Pensioner & I can't adford to go to the dentist, so I go without , ofcourse I don't smile much , because I need dental care NOW & not in 10 years time under Jack Boot John Howard's way , a friend of mine had his teeth cleaned & was charged $ 150 ,- theres no way that I could afford that on my pension , Let's give KEVIN RUDD & THE AUSTRALIAN VOTE 1 for ALP .
07-08-07 13:21:40

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