Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Metal Gear Solid - Bring Me to Life

Duration: 04:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-22 22:10:15
User: BigBird1337
:::: Favorites

A music video that I found when I was looking through some old folders. I believe all credit for this video goes to Cybermoon Studios.

BigBird1337 ::: Favorites
This is a better, centered version.
07-06-22 22:29:34
flameon213 ::: Favorites
nice work!
07-06-25 01:45:59
BigBird1337 ::: Favorites
Thanks. I didn't really make it, I just edited it to make it look a whole lot better than the original.
07-06-25 14:10:19
4a2Derian ::: Favorites
hehe nice.
07-06-28 01:51:23
4a2Derian ::: Favorites
Start a i hate olson thing too! =D
07-06-28 20:26:17
BigBird1337 ::: Favorites
I will be sure to, just a little more time.
07-06-28 20:31:01
aka21caliluv ::: Favorites
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!! good job! i read that u didn't really make it, but amazing job editing! i haven't seen the original, but i'm sure it's a whole lot better! <3, me
07-07-07 00:46:18
BigBird1337 ::: Favorites
I didn't make any of the videos I have, lol. I'm uploading them for a friend.
07-07-07 14:58:34
aka21caliluv ::: Favorites
nice...my boyfriend does that, too. he's a pretty kewl guy. n he's a LOT like u. u should get to know him. he pretty much is into all the stuff u do. lol. i'm sorry if this comment is totally irrelevant, but what the heck, eh? ;P
07-07-07 23:31:53
BigBird1337 ::: Favorites
Yeah it's very irrelevant. You better text him over AIM or something.
07-07-08 00:00:23
aka21caliluv ::: Favorites
i kno...i should....but i can't use aim where i am. should i just ask him if he can sign on this totally boring health online thing so we can chat on that instead? it seems u kno what do and what to say all the time.
07-07-08 00:03:56
BigBird1337 ::: Favorites
Alrighty then see you on there.
07-07-08 00:10:24
KikujiroChan ::: Favorites
thats nice!
07-07-09 19:24:07
BigBird1337 ::: Favorites
07-07-09 19:34:48
somecrazyyrunner ::: Favorites
which metal gear solid is this?
07-07-18 09:02:40
BigBird1337 ::: Favorites
This is Twin Snakes for Gamecube.
07-07-19 16:43:25

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