Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Dave Chappelle - Men and Women

Duration: 08:07 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-03 12:20:06
User: Kjelsaas
:::: Favorites

Dave chappelle speaks about the relationship between males and females

dirx103 ::: Favorites
Nooooooooooo!!!!!! Women killed chivalry when they started dating Jerks(yeah and they deny that they wanted to) and had fun turning down Chivalric guys, which they claim to be the ones that they want to marry in the future, its fucking confusing, damn I got to mess with some 8th graders during my Freshman year and join the Football team
07-07-13 05:34:31
philwashington ::: Favorites
notice that after dave makes the comment about how women killed chilvalry, look to the far right side of the screen and you'll see the girl in pink make her man stop clapping lmao! it's at the :29 second mark.
07-07-20 17:45:08
folowme22 ::: Favorites
yeh ur right in the bottm right corner the lady in white and red 29 seconds
07-07-23 21:54:12
tux0ofunk ::: Favorites
hahahahha that's so funny xD
07-08-01 16:11:14
biggboii18 ::: Favorites
lol. it's true
07-08-11 03:25:22
luisunknown ::: Favorites
its funny the way he says "get to it" "get to it" lmao and his mom says david we have to talk"fuck"
07-08-17 08:29:27
samoroberts54321 ::: Favorites
funny shit
07-08-18 01:31:17
jjmaster0922 ::: Favorites
he should do 2 more seasons
07-08-18 05:05:19
ultiochristi ::: Favorites
i rly dont know why there are hardly any white people in the audience.. he is reaaaaally funny... "david, we need to talk." "FUCK!" omg rofl
07-08-18 16:40:01
ultiochristi ::: Favorites
ur right, thats hilarious
07-08-19 10:27:28

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