Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Four Core Whore

Duration: 05:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-19 21:03:29
User: adiblasi
:::: Favorites

Need I say more?

MacNerd1239 ::: Favorites
I went to the Apple Store today and..man...cause of that RAM..that thing LAUGHS at the 8-core machine.
07-07-28 18:50:52
adiblasi ::: Favorites
Hi Tim - haha, thanks for the view and the comment!
07-07-29 00:36:55
adiblasi ::: Favorites
Thompson Twins - "Play With Me" - awesome song, from the "Songs from the Cool World" soundtrack.
07-07-29 00:37:20
adiblasi ::: Favorites
Yes, with 1 gig of ram, the '4 core whore' chokes! Good observation!
07-07-29 00:37:42
MacNerd1239 ::: Favorites
OK this definetly, finally, proves to me RAM does matter alot. I didn't think it did because when I took my 3.4GHz P4 Extreme from 2GB to 3GB in Windows Vista I didn't notice much of a change in speed. Probably because Vista ate up the extra gig anyways lol.
07-07-29 08:48:25
WillThePlank ::: Favorites
hey i posted a video responce of boot time of my mac performa 5500. i wonder how it would do compared to this lol
07-08-01 19:20:18
wilkinsonproductions ::: Favorites
I do all the lighting editting cameras and sound at my school with my mates, and I realy admire you. Soon as I get back to school I am heading into the visual audio editting suite and doing that on our mac that has 16GB Ram And 8 Cores
07-08-10 09:05:34
dannyisace ::: Favorites
Hey Al, Great vid man, i love them you really did make me laugh in your other 2 videos on the Mac Pro, what RAM config you got there? Feel free to check out my new iMac Videos and see what you thinkt to the design, lot of people don't like it. Love to hear your opinion! Cheers, Danny
07-08-16 17:45:10
applerulz ::: Favorites
hey great video and good taste of music! :]
07-08-17 12:20:28
MacNerd1239 ::: Favorites
I just keep watching this, it's been several months yet I still find this amazing. The four core-whores and 4GBs of RAM...a Wintel with that kind of power couldn'd do this shit. My Dual-Core Whore with Vista has 3GBs of RAM and could never do anything this amazing.
07-08-19 07:38:19

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