Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Drake Younger's bad cut at TOD6 Finals

Duration: 04:52 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-04 18:54:43
User: gr3atdane
:::: Favorites

Drake damn nearly cuts of his nipple after a freak lightube accident at the finals of TOD6, here is the aftermatch

misterskatanic ::: Favorites
Holy Sh*t that's one nasty cut , but at least now he got a second nipple.....and thanks for doing that for every sick fans out there
07-07-05 15:07:45
olson1917 ::: Favorites
07-07-05 19:47:24
dimesac ::: Favorites
yeah dog that is his nipple the outer part just got shifted
07-07-06 03:56:41
joshandjay9291 ::: Favorites
is that the actual nipple or what?
07-07-10 08:18:44
beholdjudas666 ::: Favorites
how did that happen i know lighttubes did it but how?
07-07-16 23:45:32
ShootStyleZombie ::: Favorites
I like deathmatches as much as the next person but damn, you think its time enough is enough with them
07-08-07 22:30:33
sportsnut82 ::: Favorites
Holy Shit!!!
07-08-13 09:36:12
jamez5000 ::: Favorites
fukin hel tht is soem bad nipel shit lool
07-08-14 13:16:32
shittykiddy ::: Favorites
irts da edge of his nipple bt not da nip
07-08-19 05:46:44
master2007player ::: Favorites
OUCH!!! He must that!!!
07-08-20 13:56:37

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