Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Rumsfeld called out in Atlanta!

Duration: 04:40 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-04 19:43:17
User: Illtype
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Posted by: Ray McGovern, who was in the CIA for twenty seven years asked him why he lied about the run-up to the Iraq war. Rumsfeld then proceeded to lie to McGovern to cover up his earlier statements about WMD's being in Iraq. He also tries to use the troops in his defense, a terrible strategy, but not uncommon unfortunately. Notice, at the end of the clip, Ray gets vilified for asking Rumsfeld some pointed questions. We can't have that, no-no-no.


Falkon303 ::: Favorites
Note: Rumsfeld say "I'm not in the Intelligence Business", but notice he never said "I'm not in the *Central Intelligence Agency*". Strang but true people, this is how these people work. The devil is in the details. Also, why would someone need to spend time with the CIA unless they wanted gain enough collective intelligence to manipulate a situation. Unfortunately, they didn't bet on the collective intelligence of the world pwning them.
07-09-21 04:27:48
giftedbrother ::: Favorites
i'll take that as a yes they lied to america and the world in the name of tyranny, used the terrorist attacks on america as an excuse meanwhile neglecting the real terrorists and then have the nerve to call it "iraqi freedom" (what an evil mind game) actually what you r is sayin is rumsfeld is full of it. joel that sounds familliar, oh yes, it happened once b4 in a place called nazi germany.
07-09-14 20:11:50
Joel2016 ::: Favorites
to preserve america's place as the eminent superpower. thats worth as many lives as it takes
07-09-13 22:35:57
giftedbrother ::: Favorites
so basically, what you are saying is that.... THEY LIED!? and killed thousands of ppl in the process for what greed?
07-09-13 09:02:28
Gwenlj ::: Favorites
07-09-11 16:57:52
jsusanmay ::: Favorites
Rumsfeld has no shame, I spit on him.
07-09-11 01:09:57
giftedbrother ::: Favorites
americans are not stupid, if u read down u see where we talked about why they clap. they were planted, and u are not the only one aware of this photo.
07-09-10 16:59:32
fatuesque ::: Favorites
Why are the stupid americans applauding this guy, he sold the chemical weapons to saddam hussein in the 1st place.There's footage of him shaking hands with saddam to seal the deal yet you applaud him.
07-09-10 14:53:11
giftedbrother ::: Favorites
bill o'reiley too
07-09-09 05:36:35
ashaiba91 ::: Favorites
i remember seeing a video of him saying that he knew were the WMDs were... does anyone have a link
07-09-08 00:17:19

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