Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Romance de Amor Performed by Xue-fei Yang

Duration: 04:16 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-22 17:14:54
User: wktang
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This is probably the most well known classical guitar piece. It became an instant hit after featuring in the French film "Jeux Interdits" (Forbidden Games). Until today, the composer of this piece still remain a mystery. This is an excellent piece for those who's trying to learn guitar. Here is the full tablature...


tinotrivino ::: Favorites
Well the composer isnt so mistery at all :-) but still it will keep in secret. It seems he was a poor farmer who was in loved to a aristocrazy lady, both they love theselves so much, he wrote for her this piece, but her father discovered it, and tried to put him into jail he fled to the Americas(southamerica)no one knew his name and about the lady it was a secret cause it wasnt good rich family envolved with poor farmers
07-09-21 18:02:54
stevekhue ::: Favorites
Absolutely beautiful. Well done.
07-09-14 21:09:24
mayorde18 ::: Favorites
she was freakin' ignorant.. xD she didn't even know what a guitar was
07-09-10 23:09:14
mayorde18 ::: Favorites
i hate when they play the bass that way... it is so annoying!!!!
07-09-10 23:07:14
naturanaturans ::: Favorites
In barcelona when i was playing gtr in the street. an old man heard me play and he sing like aria so many up and down and trills on this. I knew this is gypsy's song.
07-09-08 09:32:24
kurenaisama ::: Favorites
Really? I thought the composer of this was still unknown...
07-09-01 02:30:17
kurenaisama ::: Favorites
This one's nice. I like what she said about the guitar choosing her.
07-09-01 02:27:41
kurenaisama ::: Favorites
No, if you know how to pluck the strings properly then you wouldn't need to have long nails. Actually, I think having long nails is quite bothersome when plucking 'cause sometimes if you pluck too hard, it gets stuck in the string xD
07-09-01 02:22:44
vasukikalyan ::: Favorites
i l u
07-08-29 17:20:13
youwhatnow ::: Favorites
I think I'd like to shag one of those elfs.
07-08-29 10:31:14

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