Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Guitar Hero II Guy Breaks PS2

Duration: 04:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-09 00:24:09
User: chachainsaw
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Alright, nothing actually broke, just looked like it did. We were just goofing around, not trying to do well at the song at all. He was pretty much poking fun at all the videos of kids on youtube playing Guitar Hero like its the most important thing in the world. Cant you tell by the song he used? If you think the video sucks, dont watch it again. If you feel the need to post a comment bashing the video, for christs sake, at least spell it right. PS. I think its only fair that if you are going to call the people in the video fat and ugly, you should post a video of yourselves so everyone can see what you look like.


chachainsaw ::: Favorites
No? Why would you assume it was copied? 11 year old, its strange that you only have 4 abs, second, stay off the internet till you are older.
07-09-25 11:20:06
Headnutfreak ::: Favorites
a copy of guitar hero^^
07-09-25 07:08:48
loserjustin101 ::: Favorites
your fat jk and am so skinny i have like a 4 pack and am like 11
07-09-24 23:48:04
chachainsaw ::: Favorites
Copy of?
07-09-24 13:59:47
Headnutfreak ::: Favorites
its a copy isnt it?!
07-09-24 13:15:04
bigeyeballs12 ::: Favorites
yo mama you fat monkey
07-09-16 21:21:18
chachainsaw ::: Favorites
Yeah, we bought the game just to make fun of stupid kids like you. Grow a brain kid.
07-09-15 22:49:30
dethsutton ::: Favorites
why'd you spend $80.00 on the game and guitar just to make fun of the kids playing it on youtube? Dude, that's the first mistake, and the second, is you being born!
07-09-15 14:48:27
chachainsaw ::: Favorites
Hey Nancy, for the hundredth time, Im not in the video. The guy in the video doesnt even use the internet, so calling him fat is really pointless.
07-09-15 14:27:20
bigeyeballs12 ::: Favorites
shut up fatty fat fat fat fat fat fat
07-09-15 14:02:48

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