Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Race Debate: Closing Arguments

Duration: 10:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-01 23:06:02
User: jackdoodle1972
:::: Favorites

goodbye nazis

crazycanuck33460 ::: Favorites
jackdoodle, you are right, i am a fellow debater for my elite boarding school, this was never a debate
07-08-06 17:53:26
badfutureuk ::: Favorites
Because you're a pointless, inconsequential, whiney little spacker. Your posts amount to "14/88 14/88 wah wah I latch on to stupid numbers like a conspiracy nut".
07-08-03 15:33:25
badfutureuk ::: Favorites
No you haven't. Jack's hanging up because there isn't anyone on the other end of the line.
07-08-03 15:22:07
DarkVoyuer ::: Favorites
Bullshit he has rightfully blamed multiculturalism on the slavemasters you are sympthetic too. Jews and africans in the slave trade does not change this fact. BTW nazis did capture slaves out of Africa which was simple kidnapping.
07-08-03 12:46:03
DarkVoyuer ::: Favorites
YOu're dellusional mind is still at work. Akobadageth deletes posts and stops talking to opponents. That is not a sign of victory.
07-08-03 12:44:32
DarkVoyuer ::: Favorites
This is not the NFL CBS. This is not a street fight.
07-08-03 12:43:42
infernaltim ::: Favorites
Lmao... Good call, Jawa!!! Come on Jack, we want some titties! No, not yours either.
07-08-03 07:58:49
NordicJawa ::: Favorites
...WOT! ...and no video of the titty bar either.
07-08-03 05:08:39
jbak1990 ::: Favorites
Why didn't I get a mention? 14/88
07-08-02 17:40:35
jbak1990 ::: Favorites
Hurray. Jackdoodle is leaving. WE HAVE BEATEN HIM YES. 14/88
07-08-02 17:37:28

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