Sunday, September 2, 2007

classican & mmcs122 - real jam session

Duration: 03:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-22 04:35:51
User: mmcs122
:::: Favorites

Real jam sessions are unrehearsed. This one follows that idea. I owe a huge Thanks to dan9tee for his amazing editing job on this. ;)

justmike15 ::: Favorites
beautiful coevr
07-08-31 04:08:31
classican ::: Favorites
M I think someone who thinks Huge Arse is a great name is beyond being taught anything. Doesn't he realise it's nothing to be proud of!
07-08-30 16:00:28
mmcs122 ::: Favorites
Oh, don't be sad! Maybe Pete will teach you how to play the guitar, too! ;)
07-08-29 17:08:44
Isodig ::: Favorites
Been slammed! Sorry it took me so long. And no, they do cellphones and it makes me want to slap them all.
07-08-26 16:51:27
classican ::: Favorites
At last Seamus, something we can agree on.
07-08-26 14:37:08
ockstarray ::: Favorites
oh I love watching virtual music collaberations. great voice and great guitarin' both of you.. also DanTea did a nice job.
07-08-26 14:32:39
mmcs122 ::: Favorites
Well thankyouverymuch, Miss Feathers...I'm listening to your version of Cannonball right now, btw -love it ;) Thank you for that, he IS supremely talented... maybe hearing it from you will convince him, as he doesn't seem to believe it, coming from ME.... ;)
07-08-26 13:54:53
orangepeels03 ::: Favorites
ur welcome M*!! i kept on comin back here to watch u u both..look at ur mailbox. k! *M*
07-08-26 13:42:48
mmcs122 ::: Favorites
Hey, Isodig! Where ya been? (it's about time you showed up, I was about to send a search party out for you.) ;) Indeed 'tis. they still do that? lol
07-08-26 13:39:14
mmcs122 ::: Favorites
Thanks *M*....
07-08-26 13:36:59

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