Sunday, September 30, 2007

Psychonauts (Real) Invisibility Glitch

Duration: 01:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-11 23:02:33
User: vampiricrogue13
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from the ps2


101Volts ::: Favorites
I'll tryu that! :D
07-09-17 18:02:38
cabindebug ::: Favorites
I alway go into one mind, then I'm done. THEN, I go back somewhere to check another brain. What do you have to do in that plant ladie's mind (the lady that looks like Madusa)??? I already found the Candle, and I've already seen all 4 plays, how do i get to the cat walk thing.
07-08-04 09:54:13
cabindebug ::: Favorites
i tryed the glitch and it's true: somethings could freeze your game, i tried the Psi Blast and it worked but it still froze.
07-08-04 09:43:09
RazThePsychonaut12 ::: Favorites
nice glitch. it looks pretty easy... I'M GONNA TRY IT!
07-07-23 11:42:15
Unpleasent ::: Favorites
Yeah, me and my brother were messing around and we could only jump around. We were stuck sort of. We managed to hop all the way to Fred's area and it fixed itself. Why we didn't just reset is because we hate loading screens. XD Neat glitch though.
07-07-21 21:35:16
JakMaster105 ::: Favorites
MAN! i haven't even gotten to that level yet... where is that anyway?? i have all the powers anyway i'll give you a cheatcode for all the powers: While playing the game hold down L1+R1 and quickly press Circle(2), Triangle, R2, L3, Triangle.
07-07-19 11:01:56
Ralph1to1 ::: Favorites
this games REALLY good!!!
07-07-19 10:56:01
RazThePsychonaut33 ::: Favorites
I remeber that i thought this game was boring but it really isn't
07-07-19 10:53:10
rainechoo ::: Favorites
this is the best game EVER!!
07-06-29 20:16:12
bloodtabasco ::: Favorites
07-05-24 23:15:08

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