Sunday, September 30, 2007


Duration: 02:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-03 03:38:08
User: gerrysilva10
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Some people think that the 360 is cheaper cause they see it, but they dont observe the facts.


praxisnode ::: Favorites
i purchased both systems at launch date of the PS3 with the cool games respectively, but im still playing the PS3, cause the circle of death overtook my xbox360, ps3 is a far superior system hands down, i dont blame the console (360) just the jackholes that made the thing for bringing out shit like MS always does, regardless of quality, just so bill can have his billions,
07-09-30 02:53:58
UserName2342 ::: Favorites
You need to edit/update this video, HDMI cables are like $10 now, and the PS3 is $100 cheaper now.
07-09-30 02:45:06
estidecrissdemarde ::: Favorites
i love this video fuck the 360
07-09-29 23:34:04
transawsm ::: Favorites
PS3 is not bad, but currently there are only a few good games are worth buying, and the online is horrible; thats why it is free. The 360 might win the war just because of the awesome games coming out.
07-09-29 21:34:45
murciano17 ::: Favorites
and the games? and the controlers?
07-09-29 20:26:08
billyjawa ::: Favorites
360 wins
07-09-29 19:46:05
xxSanjoxx ::: Favorites
Oh yeah by the way, the hard drive of the xbox is portable.
07-09-29 12:21:04
xxSanjoxx ::: Favorites
Yeah but I got much better games and graphics with the Xbox 360 and I dont need so much Gigabytes. 20Gigabytes are enough.
07-09-29 12:19:22
ShadowxAngelS99 ::: Favorites
wtf is wrong wit u ps3 has like no exclusive i swear lair got rated like 4 i sticking with my 360. ps3 will fail like lair
07-09-29 10:08:22
V1p3raaa ::: Favorites
u suck man... the xbox has the BEST online service... i like to pay for it... not like the ps3...
07-09-29 09:11:06

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