Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Wolves

Duration: 335 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-13 00:39:26
User: Krecika1988
:::: Favorites

The Gray Wolf (Canis lupus; also spelled Grey Wolf, see spelling differences; also known as Timber Wolf or Wolf) is a mammal in the order Carnivora. The Gray Wolf shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris), as evidenced by DNA sequencing and genetic drift studies. Gray wolves were once abundant and distributed over much of North America, Eurasia, and the Middle East. Today, for a variety of human-related reasons, including widespread habitat destruction and excessive hunting, wolves inhabit only a very limited portion of their former range. Though listed as a species of least concern for extinction worldwide, for some regions including the Continental United States, the species is listed as endangered or threatened. IF U LOVE WOLVES PLZ ENJOY IT!!

Surrealius ::: Favorites
yes, humanity is killing itself. but no, there was never a god/creator.
07-08-08 02:24:14
Surrealius ::: Favorites
nah, i think you would make a better coat. after your throat was torn free and your blood-choked screams stopped. mmmmm...
07-08-08 02:27:21
Surrealius ::: Favorites
yeaaaa... very mature, going off and posting hateful comments on videos all day for a much needed ego boost. what an exiting life...
07-08-08 02:32:21
Surrealius ::: Favorites
its your favorite animal and you find it acceptable that hunters are driving them close to extintion through inhumane methods??
07-08-08 02:38:32
Surrealius ::: Favorites
it makes me sad seeing these beautiful creatures and knowing that i am confined to this pathetic human body... i wish my mate and i could return to the bodies we belonged in... i grow so tired of what humans have created, this difficult and confusing society and life... i just wish i could leave it all and be at peace in our true forms, my loving mate and i.....
07-08-08 02:48:58
ardenHK ::: Favorites
The video is great! I've selected this beautiful video in my blog for "Save The Wildlife, Save The Wolves" ... Now the against messages for killing wolves is 67,968. Thank you for sharing ... :-)
07-08-08 06:31:09
griffwolf101 ::: Favorites
Wolves are simply the most wonderous animals on the planet, they deserve respect and humans should stop killing them, and Surrealius I couldn't agree with you more, I am glad it is not just me who thinks they are confined in human bodies.
07-08-08 12:28:56
gunes1907 ::: Favorites
most smartest animal turkish symbol i love them
07-08-08 18:54:26
akamaru72 ::: Favorites
wolf in my opinion wolfs are the most gracful peacful animals on the planet just misunder stood,i would give my life to save one
07-08-08 20:49:55
wenpin3 ::: Favorites
wolf is one of the most intelligent predator on the planet. they are very cool looking animal.
07-08-08 21:13:22

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