Thursday, August 9, 2007

AAGM : Summer Rant

Duration: 223 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-10 23:39:06
User: WilliamSledd
:::: Favorites

Toe Rings, Ankle Bracelets, and Pinky Rings!

GeneralStr8 ::: Favorites
Fags need to be put in concentration camps and gassed to hell, and jammed in an incinerator then we lobotomize all future fags. HETERO POWER!!!
07-08-08 21:02:13
ichnal ::: Favorites
You are so very ignorant. Let me guess, you love Nazi's? Jackass.
07-08-08 21:23:49
prasino ::: Favorites
I'm all for people wearing what they want myself, it's sort of a freedom thing, individuality, making a statement, you know. A person who knows a lot about fashion should be all for sending out a statement about who one is.
07-08-08 22:25:35
lusant2 ::: Favorites
toe rings can be cute and looks good on alot of people ankle bracelets have always been cute always will be kentucky must have different taste but i dont get pinky rings. Yeah im a gay guy just not a queen
07-08-08 22:26:24
conradomagalhaes ::: Favorites
Funny faggot
07-08-08 22:37:29
molldollDG86 ::: Favorites
i totally agree i dont understand whyyyyy people wear toe rings, pinky rings, or ankle bracelets they all seem sooooo uncomfortable to me. and im sorry i dont really like to look at peoples feet,...i just dont like feet...feet are weird i just dont like why the hell wear rings on them? you're drawing attentions to your stinky feet and who wants to see that?
07-08-08 22:46:27
Beepem ::: Favorites
Oh. My. God. Best Video Ever!!!!
07-08-08 23:13:55
lesha489 ::: Favorites
I thought you said Pink Earrings at first...then you put up your pinky and I realized what you said. haha awesome!!!!
07-08-08 23:33:36
bmcutright ::: Favorites
My biggest thing about wearing a pinky ring is that my fingers are so bleepin wide that I can't find any cool rings that fit onto my ring finger. Would that fit into your "Well I guess that's OK" category?
07-08-08 23:37:39
Phil666666 ::: Favorites
This guy is cute!!
07-08-09 01:44:48

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