Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sugar were goin down swingin

Duration: 114 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-01 19:15:19
User: omegapatten
:::: Favorites

Me singin sugar were goin down swingin in double speed

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coputerchick2 ::: Favorites
this is so funny! i like this i laugh everytime i see this
07-08-03 12:18:08
coputerchick2 ::: Favorites
You are my idol omegapattern!
07-08-03 12:21:13
foxygrandpa3014 ::: Favorites
listen young man you arnt that funny just because you can shake your head and put a song in fast motion wow that is soo hilarious not grandpa out
07-08-03 14:32:42
oomimdeslexic ::: Favorites
ohh wow xD it doesnt matter if he is funny or not .. which he is .. he is still cute
07-08-03 14:47:39
Incubase ::: Favorites
dude this is awsome ^.^ i love it and u really need to copyright ur work, everyones stealing it Eg. DoggTheBountyHunter. OK well cya
07-08-03 20:48:13
heartlessbitch2222 ::: Favorites
haha... I may be crying from a broken heart... but wow man... you still made me smile... a lot lol... you had me giggling my ass off lol thanks =D
07-08-04 03:45:53
abcdefghijfart ::: Favorites
i mean that is ok but like idk u copyied the pokemon one
07-08-04 11:30:42
crazymonkeyluv101 ::: Favorites
dude ur fuckin hot as hell!!! luv ya
07-08-04 17:50:46
bleedingkiwi337 ::: Favorites
you know... you kinda remind me of a squirrel. your all twitchy and stuff. lol. but i love you anyway. you rock!
07-08-04 18:54:32
bowwowwoff ::: Favorites
BAGAG!!H!H! this is the funniest thing. AHAHAH.
07-08-04 19:42:36

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