Sunday, August 5, 2007

周杰倫 不能說的秘密 MV [完整清晰版]

Duration: 335 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-01 03:24:07
User: kakashihin
:::: Favorites

Jay rocks!!!!! 電影《不能說的秘密》 MV女主角:桂倫美 導演:周杰倫 曲: 周杰倫 詞: 方文山 冷咖啡離開了杯墊 我忍住的情緒在很後面 拼命想挽回的從前 在我臉上依舊清晰可見 最美的不是下雨天 是曾與你躲過雨的屋簷 回憶的畫面  在盪著鞦韆  夢開始不甜 你說把愛漸漸放下會走更遠 或許命運的籤  只讓我們遇見 只讓我們相戀  這一季的秋天 飄落後才發現  這幸福的碎片 要我怎麼撿

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triplej ::: Favorites
jay rocks :D he's like so talented. can sing, can direct, can act :D
07-07-30 09:44:22
Nooblikehell ::: Favorites
Great mv. Jay fan forever. May i know where u download the video from?
07-07-30 11:21:50
sotonglingx ::: Favorites
u will cry when the show ends.. not really cry.. tears will rop.. its definitely a must watch show...
07-07-30 12:16:46
thebiggestfish ::: Favorites
You're probably not very smart if you believe the hype that Jay Chou directed it. Actors spend years before trying out directing, most directors spend years in schools and oblivion before coming to light with a good film. What makes you think a singer with so little experience dealing with film other than (skeptical) some music videos can be entrusted to direct one whole film with a good deal of budget involved. Just another marketing effort for the brand 'Jay Chou'.
07-07-31 10:43:11
betadisplay ::: Favorites
prohapes you were right, however from my experience showed that less people care about or try to think about the standard of a good film. quiet sad that i have to say.
07-08-01 08:12:59
joballrox ::: Favorites
cant wait to watch it!
07-08-01 08:45:55
joballrox ::: Favorites
dun believe this.. they wud hav to go into so much effort to try nd hide the fact that he didnt direct it. Theres so much evidence that he did neway.
07-08-01 08:47:18
KHC831 ::: Favorites
thebiggestfish, u are also a biggest dumbass. this movie is based on his chillhood experience, plus did u not know he won the goldne horse award in his FIRST movie? there is some people in this world that are gifted like Jay, and there are some jealous losers like you sad xD
07-08-03 15:48:46
fznaxez ::: Favorites
after you watch the movie, you will understand this song.
07-08-03 22:07:54
chiew5465 ::: Favorites
can some1 pls tell me how to download and where to download ?
07-08-04 23:59:27

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