Sunday, August 5, 2007

paul burchill monster moments

Duration: 58 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-20 13:59:19
User: drako316
:::: Favorites

paul burchill before wwe, includes the c4

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FishGuts2055 ::: Favorites
Burchill had my favorite finisher in all wrestling I have seen.
07-04-11 20:18:24
Cooli3T ::: Favorites
Amen, Amen !!!! Preach portsmouthben, Preach !!!
07-04-30 15:10:08
Cooli3T ::: Favorites
i kno, they stick to da same big names and dat it, Burchill is wasted at WWE/OVW... COME BACK HOME BURCHILL !!!!! AND CM PUNK GET OUTTA THERE ASWELL !!!!!!
07-04-30 15:11:48
portsmouthben ::: Favorites
Come back home Burchill!!!! FWA will still want him home.
07-04-30 18:04:29
StupidnContagious ::: Favorites
Personally, i think the pirate gimmick really got him over in the WWE And that solo spanish fly/C4 finisher he has is totally badass
07-05-03 20:44:15
stinger92123 ::: Favorites
Paul Burchill is a great talent. Hopefully soon he will be back on the big stage either with WWE or even TNA
07-05-10 17:38:58
iam2old453 ::: Favorites
paul burchill looked like trevor murdoch...
07-05-19 17:26:17
Kristian2006 ::: Favorites
This guy would be used in such an awesome way in TNA. Watching this video makes me drool at the mere thought of Samoa Joe vs Burchill.
07-06-15 00:12:06
metalliclark ::: Favorites
HOLY SHIT!!! THATS Paul Burchil?!?! He should stay in OVW and spend time in ROH, he is awesome!
07-06-22 11:26:34
Boomer2k6 ::: Favorites
Well he's now a 3-time OVW champ in a "Ripper" gimmick so hopefully this will show that he can be a monster heel. Sadly the WWE already has it's share of guys who are bigger than Paul and he'll never get over as a monster as long as guys like Botchtista, World's Sweatiest Man Mark Henry and HHHH (Quads) are around.
07-07-07 17:42:46

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