Saturday, August 25, 2007

Stereotypical Dumb Americans

Duration: 03:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-01 07:42:01
User: hasrinol
:::: Favorites

If you want to know why there's a 'dumb American' stereotype here's why. An excerpt from the Chaser's War On Everything in Australia.

4llurb4s3 ::: Favorites
lol what dumbasses.
07-08-24 07:27:33
Mehlwurm16 ::: Favorites
everyone of you is promoting pre-judgements, are you even aware of that fact .. ?!^^ well, nevertheless .. compare this vidio to an entry of "dumb germans", "lool dummer hip hopper spricht - or what it's called" - if you are able to understand the totally dumb utterances of that person, you'll realise how intellectual americans are .. xD to give you an example - translated extract - "what's george w. bush's surname?" "i don't know" .. ^^
07-08-22 17:01:45
fringlishman ::: Favorites
look at the Americans, look at how stupid they are
07-08-22 14:50:34
According to National Geographic, only 13% of americans know where Iraq is, a third of americans can't point out the Pacific Ocean on a map, and 11% can't even point out the usa on a map!! Americans are fucking idiots.
07-08-22 10:34:39
mac8643 ::: Favorites
lol hilarious! But they should put in some smart answers too, not just the dumb one, their are dumb people everywhere, I just wish these people didnt make all of us look so stupid!
07-08-20 21:39:57
hasrinol ::: Favorites
But smart answers aren't funny now are they? BTW, we don't think all of you are stupid. ;)
07-08-25 02:04:12
rhymeswithandy ::: Favorites
"I'm afraid of Americans." Seriously, I'm embarrassed to be an American every time I watch the news on t.v., or even just watch American programing (which is rare). What's that old saying? "Ignorance is bliss."
07-08-19 18:34:36
avatar3471 ::: Favorites
U S A! U S A!
07-08-19 14:26:20
bassboybg ::: Favorites
haha im from europe :)
07-08-19 08:28:35
Ledwix ::: Favorites
obama rofl..... i guess he's an iraqi now.
07-08-18 23:20:16
AfricanH3ro ::: Favorites
Wow. Funny how the "average" American wouldn't retort with an answer like that.
07-08-18 21:06:26
NativeAmerican555 ::: Favorites
Yea and you dont have dumbass's in your country? You probably just edited all the smart one's out im not a dumbass im an American and I know there not all that stupid you fucking retarted moron. Is that all British people do is fuckin bitch? I mean wow we are better than you fuckin drop it were the best country in the world.
07-08-18 18:09:12
NightSmoke07 ::: Favorites
ok dude, whatever... of course they took all the footage of smart people out... this is supposed to be funny, why would people giving correct answers be funny? of course there are people in America who aren't stupid, from here I dont see anyone saying "look at the Americans, look how stupid they all are!" So just calm down a bit ^^
07-08-21 12:23:43
autopilot80 ::: Favorites
Man you really are an ignorant dumb American, That's an Australian show not a British show.
07-08-22 09:56:28
NativeAmerican555 ::: Favorites
WTF? w/e dude neither of you fucking morons speak properly I must have gotten confused sorry fucking aussie bitch. New Zealands better than Australia anyway fucking bitch.
07-08-22 15:05:47
msandersen ::: Favorites
This is from a very popular comedy show here in Australia. They did a few US questionnaires, none of which were flattering to the American intellect. Although real, obviously they only include the funny responses.
07-08-18 14:13:40
benjis007 ::: Favorites
everyone chill. this is as funny to americans as it is to others. of course the creators wouldn't have put in any of the americans who knew what they were saying -- this is only the dumb ones, and yes, we do have them in the U.S.
07-08-18 11:21:07
piscesiscariot7 ::: Favorites
this is so dumb. Of fucking course no ones going to know the answer in a fucking wal mart parking lot.
07-08-18 05:26:26
Banno22 ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH are the presenters from Australia or New zealanders?
07-08-17 18:34:48
abyssiniakonjo ::: Favorites
Bunch Of Dumb Asses...
07-08-17 09:41:29

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