Saturday, August 25, 2007

50th YouTube Video

Duration: 01:12 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-12 06:10:53
User: NightowlDarksky
:::: Favorites

Is this my end on YouTube???

adamkurowski ::: Favorites
Never stop Tonyo, your videos rock lol
06-08-06 16:36:58
melanakay ::: Favorites
NOOOO wht have u done! lol your videos kick ass!!
06-07-13 01:59:28
NightowlDarksky ::: Favorites
lmao. Christ almighty, I didn't realise a small band of watchers would come and beat me up for this. :D I'll be back, but that mic was shit!
06-07-13 01:26:32
patsywithawiggle ::: Favorites
Noooooooooooooooo Tonyo what have you done !!!!!
06-07-13 00:02:54
Garret87 ::: Favorites
funny but NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
06-07-12 18:48:35
estle ::: Favorites
of course you will.. or else.. well i dunno or else what.. but just or else
06-07-12 17:32:45
frentique ::: Favorites
Worst magician ever :S it didn't reattach itself
06-07-12 16:19:14
HectorSombrero ::: Favorites
lots of PS2 games in the back
06-07-12 12:18:25
yayaooz ::: Favorites
ma non capisco!
06-07-12 11:57:19
LadyBonniee ::: Favorites
Your fucking mental hunny, hahahaha there is me who is in need of a mic an you go an do that you fucker how dare you, I would have gave you my address so you could have sent it to me :( you whore.
06-07-12 10:38:39
killerpigs ::: Favorites
06-07-12 06:45:58
NightowlDarksky ::: Favorites
06-07-12 07:41:41

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