Saturday, August 25, 2007

ding dong ditchin an old man

Duration: 04:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-01 13:43:20
User: VolcomStone5927
:::: Favorites

it takes a while to set the camera but when we get it set we ding dong ditch him. we did it to him three times but i lost the videos. after he comes out nothing happens so u should stop it when he gone.

utuber014 ::: Favorites
262 views not bad dude
07-08-24 18:03:10
OverlordFox ::: Favorites
what if the old man took your camera in?
07-08-11 22:55:22
VolcomStone5927 ::: Favorites
lol that would of sucked but we hid it
07-08-12 19:22:49
dimestatus87 ::: Favorites
07-08-11 00:56:12
VolcomStone5927 ::: Favorites
fuck you
07-08-11 15:49:19
dimestatus87 ::: Favorites
07-08-11 00:50:52
help404 ::: Favorites
haha not to bad
07-08-07 22:51:11
sk8nswim ::: Favorites
LMAO! i <333 ding dong ditching. :]
07-08-07 14:11:51
roboraptor10 ::: Favorites
Poor guy. That was wrong. Do that to some people who find it easier to walk. Not the elderly.
07-08-07 11:20:59
VolcomStone5927 ::: Favorites
sorry we couldnt ding dong ditch up to your standards. i live in condos full of old people, i havent seen anyone under 50 yet. so if i happened to find some younger people i will happilly ding dong ditch them just for you.
07-08-07 12:35:45
utuber014 ::: Favorites
well how bout not hhe was fine with it so just shut up
07-08-14 18:47:29
utuber014 ::: Favorites
sorry we couldnt get the camera to stay up and it fell when we got all setup
07-08-01 18:00:12
utuber014 ::: Favorites
im the shorter kid that kinda stood there for a sec wit
07-08-01 17:59:12
utuber014 ::: Favorites
hahaha lol that was so funny
07-08-01 14:26:23

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