Monday, August 13, 2007

Roller blade crash

Duration: 26 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-19 15:15:56
User: p1ben
:::: Favorites

Rollerblade crash. Not me, but if your American, feel free to believe it is me and attempt to take the p!ss. Thanks, your special :o)

p1ben ::: Favorites
Ok, spell it correctly and get yourself banned. Nice one.
07-06-09 12:39:05
p1ben ::: Favorites
I am truly gutted. Still, bit of banter never goes a miss. (That's welcomed here, especially if your a dumb ass American that leaves yourself wide open to abuse - As seen below ;o) )
07-06-09 12:45:27
tokmaster ::: Favorites
lad dats fuckn funny 2 watch but painfull if its done 2 wat did u d0 2 da driver did u like hit him after...lik watt hapened after dat crash??? man all u faggots who talk shit 2 diss dude are fucked up,,tell me if a car waz 2 run u over wit yer blades on tell me would dat be paint full would like people talkin shit 2 u???... and also get over punctuation juss abbriveite
07-07-06 03:18:02
p1ben ::: Favorites
Thats the spirit tokmaster. ;o) I think. Can't actually understand a fcuking thing you've written there.
07-07-06 16:49:16
daggertits ::: Favorites
All of you are bitches.
07-07-08 17:10:22
p1ben ::: Favorites
Mr tit, I believe the dagger, I assume you have, may have got itself stuck in your keyboard. Allow me to help. Did you mean to post "daggertits is an arse licking fagboy"?
07-07-09 15:26:42
bgo20isbored ::: Favorites
Looks painful. Poor Garrett. The comments make me ashamed to be an American, though, and kind of ashamed of chode's parents. Sorry about my idiotic fellow citizens. Blame televison, or don't. I say it's an easygoing lifestyle and lack of discipline. And I'm just a kid.
07-07-17 01:56:36
p1ben ::: Favorites
No txt spk? You sure your a kid? ;o) Don't spend to much time worrying about dumb arses. My country is full of p!ss taking blaging immigrants claiming all sorts off benefits I'm paying for. Now THAT winds me up more than thick fcuks that haven't a clue. Can't be helped I suppose, could be worse. I might have ended up under a car on 'fruit boots' or what ever the fcuk there called.
07-07-17 15:55:56
sesshoumaru998 ::: Favorites
dude u r a fagit ass bitch
07-08-06 20:13:18
p1ben ::: Favorites
Why, thank you for your kind comment. After a quick search, I found a link that explains the word 'fagit'. Quite apt really.... "An incorrect spelling of the word "faggot" that is often used by illiterate bastards" Looks like you get a 1/10 for effort. Must try harder.
07-08-07 14:54:55

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