Monday, August 13, 2007

Re: What's a Video Community?

Duration: 101 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-12 15:20:03
User: claytonian
:::: Favorites

Video Cam Direct Upload

actorlady ::: Favorites
Aw...Clay...we love you too....Okay I am guessing your name is Clayton...I always refer to you in my head as Claytonian or Japan Guy or Guy who looks like Ryan Gosling or Guy with That Really Funny Video on His Website. But I'm not sure many other people would understand my....nicknames...
07-05-12 18:09:50
CultofNalts ::: Favorites
Showing that can of tomato soup was an Andy Warhol homage, right?
07-05-12 18:42:08
sdel24 ::: Favorites
at first i thought u were saying "consoles" but noOOOooo u were saying "KIND souLs" my bad
07-05-12 19:05:01
kansaiPJ ::: Favorites
I am glad you are part of the Youtube community. Your vids are a regular part of my routine!
07-05-12 20:41:16
claytonian ::: Favorites
super nintedo is my friend
07-05-12 22:36:57
theirishhateyou ::: Favorites
"Guy with That Really Funny Video on His Website" really rolls off the tongue. =O
07-05-12 23:09:22
claytonian ::: Favorites
that can is a holdover from my American trip. I am cooking it now, so it will be the last!
07-05-12 23:25:45
sckoowadiddleywahoo2 ::: Favorites
Oh ... I see LOL! I was thinking "Damn ...he can hold out" Take care Clayton :o)
07-05-12 23:58:25
pikach8220 ::: Favorites
Clay i'll take you in any quality. ^_^ nice video
07-05-13 02:35:10
Calagari3 ::: Favorites
Interestingg get-up. I really enjoy your videos, so it's me that should be thanking you.I've got my web-cam ready so I really have no excuses for never giving video replies, I'm gonna start soon. As usual you're just too grateful :-)
07-05-16 10:31:31

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