Monday, August 13, 2007

Official Spore Trailer '07

Duration: 91 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-17 20:32:17
User: VideoGameEnthusiast
:::: Favorites

Spore is a fun mix of SimCity, The Sims, Sim Ant and KidPix from Maxis games. You play as what you make, and play god as you advance form a single-celled organism to a full blown, world conquering race of your own creatures. Will Wright is a god among men.

rudyrules1993 ::: Favorites
sounds fun and cool
07-05-27 23:36:34
hurley1516 ::: Favorites
oh plese , these game fill selkl millions , its so original and cool good for you will
07-05-31 22:15:32
SnappyMcRyka ::: Favorites
This game is going to be amazing. Hurley doesnt understand.
07-06-02 22:28:40
Esuaci ::: Favorites
It's amazing how it looks just like the E3 2K6 trailer. Oh wait, it is. >_> Even so, this game is going to be awesome. I just wish they'd release it already, or at least give us an update. :D
07-06-13 05:44:12
Garbo93 ::: Favorites
They should release a downloadable trial demo
07-06-18 10:49:30
sean034580 ::: Favorites
this game looks so childish. but in the other hand, the power to create your own... thing. sounds cool i guess
07-07-13 21:38:38
bONz08r0nzan ::: Favorites
its not that childish, you can rip apart other creatures and eat them. just has a different kind of graphic style
07-07-14 15:49:31
Drekana ::: Favorites
This is going to be great. I love the music in it! Can't wait to make my own creature and spread it across the globe!
07-07-17 05:27:30
MrChow12 ::: Favorites
Esuaci is right. Why did you put 07 when this video has been around for a year?
07-07-30 14:13:18
VideoGameEnthusiast ::: Favorites
Sorry, I thought this version (the long one) was release Q1 of 2007 but I guess I was wrong.
07-08-05 01:05:19
VideoGameEnthusiast ::: Favorites
Oh wait, I remember why I put '07, it was because the estimated release date was said to be 2007 at the time. Sorry.
07-08-05 01:07:23

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